Journey planning—maps

If you are planning a driving holiday on Queensland roads—or to drive a long distance in Queensland to your holiday destination—you should plan your journey, including your route and stops, in advance.

Queensland is a large state with many different landscapes, including rainforests, beaches and outback. Each landscape offers different driving conditions which can sometimes make driving stressful, tiring or dangerous. Having a plan and being prepared is very important for your safety and the safety of other road users. Learn more about road safety for long drives.

There are maps and QLDTraffic available to help you plan and your journey.


Road region maps

If you will mainly be travelling in 1 road region, you might find the map of that region helpful. Queensland’s road region maps show:

  • road networks
  • railways
  • rivers
  • creeks
  • dams
  • towns
  • administrative boundaries
  • Department of Transport and Main Roads rest areas.

Driver reviver sites and rest areas

If you are driving a long distance on Queensland roads, we encourage you to take a break every 2 hours for at least 15 minutes. You can stop at a driver reviver site or any rest area located throughout the state.

Driver reviver sites operate during school holidays and public holiday periods. Rest areas are always available for you to stop and recover at any time. You should plan ahead which rest areas and driver sites you will stop at on your journey.

Driver reviver sites

Driver reviver sites are set up at rest areas, and supply free tea, coffee and snacks for all travellers. You may see other service signs like the blue and white design of a coffee cup to let you know a driver reviver site is ahead.

Driver reviver locations

Driver reviver sites operate on different dates and at different hours. The dates and times they operate may change due to weather, events or unforeseen circumstances.

You can download our points of interest files to add driver reviver sites to your GPS device.

Visit the national Driver Reviver site for national locations and more information.