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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Road planning and design manual - 1st edition

This manual has been superseded by the Road Planning and Design Manual (2nd edition).

Content from this manual (first edition) is referenced within the second edition. Please refer to the Road Planning and Design Manual (2nd edition) for how to apply the information in this manual to road planning and design in Queensland.


Chapter 1: Planning and design framework (August 2004)
Chapter 1 Amendment register

Chapter 2: Design philosophy (December 2005)
Chapter 2 Amendment register

Chapter 3: Road planning and design fundamentals (December 2005)
Chapter 3 Amendment register

Chapter 4: Application of design principles and standards (December 2005)
Chapter 4 Amendment register

Chapter 5: Traffic parameters and human factors (August 2004)
Chapter 5: Amendment register

Chapter 6: Speed parameters (November 2007)
Chapter 6: Amendment register

Chapter 7: Cross section (September 2004) 
Chapter 7: Amendment register 

Chapter 8: Interim Advice (October 2009) 
Chapter 8: Interim Advice Appendix 
Chapter 8: Safety barriers and roadside furniture (June 2005)
Chapter 8: Amendment register
Chapter 8: Appendix 

Chapter 9: Sight distance (January 2002)
Chapter 9: Amendment register 

Chapter 10: Alignment design (August 2001)
Chapter 10: Amendment register  

Chapter 11: Horizontal alignment (May 2002)
Chapter 11: Amendment register

Chapter 12: Vertical alignment (July 2002)
Chapter 12: Amendment register

Chapter 13: Intersections at grade (October 2006)
Chapter 13: Amendment register

Chapter 14: Roundabouts (January 2006)
Chapter 14: Amendment register

Chapter 15: Auxiliary lanes (April 2002)
Chapter 15: Amendment register 

Chapter 16: Interchanges (December 2005)
Chapter 16: Amendment register

Chapter 17: Lighting (August 2004)
Chapter 17: Amendment register

Chapter 18: Traffic signals (July 2002)
Chapter 18: Amendment register 

Chapter 19: Intelligent Transport Systems (June 2009) is superseded by the Road Planning and Design Manual (2nd edition) Volume 5: Intelligent Transport Systems.

Chapter 20: Roadside amenities (March 2002)
Chapter 20: Amendment register

Chapter 21: Railway and cane railway level crossings (March 2002)
Chapter 21: Amendment register

Chapter 22: Bridges and retaining walls (June 2006)

Chapter 23: Tunnels (June 2006)


Last updated 30 July 2019