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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Contact us

The Department of Transport and Main Roads offers a range of contact options to allow you to get help or source information. We can also direct you to specialist areas for help with certain topics. 

Enquiries about public transport, roads, fines and heavy vehicles

For help with the following topics, contact these areas directly:

Public transport

TransLink logo

Contact Translink:

  • for public transport information
  • to provide feedback, compliments or complaints about public transport, including bus or train services and booked hire service licences.

Roads and traffic

Qld traffic icon.

  • Report a road hazard or incident

Call 13 19 40 to report a road incident, hazard, pothole or signal fault. You can also use this number to ask for help if you've been involved in a minor traffic incident or breakdown on a major Queensland road.

Before contacting us about a road, please use our Road Lookup service to confirm who owns the road, to ensure your enquiry is directed to the correct government agency.

  • Traffic updates

For traffic updates, road closures, conditions, traffic cameras visit the QLDTraffic website.

Fines and Infringement Notices

For fines, contact Queensland Revenue Office.

For enforcement orders, contact the State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER).

Heavy vehicles

Contact the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) for:

  • heavy vehicle compliance enquiries
  • heavy vehicle fleet inspection bookings (15 or more vehicles owned by the same operator)—email [email protected].

For programmed heavy vehicle inspection bookings, message us or call 13 23 80.

How to contact the Department of Transport and Main Roads

Our customer service standards provide information on how we will handle your enquiry. There is also compliments and complaints information to help you when you lodge feedback with us.

To connect with us directly:
Get in touch via messaging or phone during our business hours.

Online services

We have a range of online services, including: 

Please note: If you have any problems using our online services, please visit our online services help before contacting us.

Having trouble logging in online?

For help with getting an online access code or to update your email addressmessage us or call 13 23 80 during business hours.    

Fake notices (for example, infringements) are sometimes sent by scammers. Find out .


You can message us for any general enquiries.

This service is available from 8am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). 


Before you call us, please have your identification information ready.

We will need to identify you before we can access your record and assist you. Please have details such as your driver licence number or registration number handy to ensure this process is completed as quickly as possible.

*Check with your service provider for call costs.

  • Registration and licensing, online services, book a driving test or vehicle inspection

Call 13 23 80* | Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 4.30pm, excluding public holidays. 

International callers phone +61 7 3022 6100.

  • Digital Licence app enquiries and troubleshooting

Call 1800 317 389* | Monday to Friday from 8am to 4.30pm, excluding public holidays.

  • General enquiries

Call 13 QGOV (13 74 68)* | Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 4.30pm, excluding public holidays.

International callers phone +61 7 3022 6100.  

  • Tow truck complaint hotline

Call 1800 681 636* | Report suspected issues about rogue tow truck operators.

  • Fine and Infringement Notice enquiries

For fines, contact Queensland Revenue Office.

For enforcement orders, contact the State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER).

  • Heavy vehicle inspection bookings

For programmed heavy vehicle inspection bookings, message us or call 13 23 80*.

For heavy vehicle compliance enquiries and fleet inspection bookings, contact the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR).

  • Traffic updates, road conditions and reporting a hazard

Call 13 19 40* | Get traffic and travel information or report an incident, hazard, pothole, signal fault, or seek assistance if you've been involved in a minor traffic incident or breakdown on a major Queensland road.

  • Translink bus, ferry, train and tram information

Call 13 12 30* | Information about public transport information across Queensland.

Lodge a complaint, compliment or enquiry online

For a response within 15 working days, use our online contact form to:

Interpreter and accessibility services

If you need an interpreter, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50* (International callers phone +61 3 9268 8332) and have them contact Transport and Main Roads on 13 23 80.

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment contact us through the National Relay Service:

  • TTY users phone 13 36 77*, then ask for 13 23 80.
  • Speak-and-listen users phone 1300 555 727*, then ask for 13 23 80.
  • Internet relay users connect to the National Relay Service, then ask for 13 23 80.

*Check with your service provider for call costs.

Visit us in person

Many of your transactions with us can now be completed online.

Find our locations and opening hours for:

Transport and Main Roads customer service centres—for licensing and registration enquiries and services. Please check the services that are available and opening hours for the customer service centre before your visit.

Mobile customer service centres

Passenger transport offices—driver authorisations, operator accreditations, other passenger transport services and school transport.

Regional Roads Offices—road projects, contracts and tenders, traffic cameras information and other related enquiries.


We aim to provide a response within 15 working days.


Driver licence address changes, surrenders, and returns
Customer Service Operations
GPO Box 5232

Other licensing matters including driver licensing renewals and replacements
PO Box 673


Vehicle and motorcycle registration payments
Customer Service Operations
GPO Box 5232

Recreational ship registration transfers, renewals and address changes for Queensland moorings
Customer Service Operations
GPO Box 5232

Other registration matters
PO Box 673


Infringement Notices and fines
Queensland Revenue Office
GPO Box 1447


Compliments and complaints
Department of Transport and Main Roads
GPO Box 1412

Public transport

GPO Box 50

Last updated 13 February 2025