Maroochydore Road, Pike Street and Killick Street intersection upgrade, design

The department has identified a preferred option for the future upgrade of Maroochydore Road, Kunda Park to improve the existing transport network by enhancing network reliability and improving access options.

The preferred option will involve changes to the existing Killick Street/Pike Street intersection with Maroochydore Road and introduce a new signalised intersection with Maroochydore Road by extending Enterprise Street.


  • Improves safety
  • Improves network efficiency
  • Reduces peak hour congestion

Key features

  • Extending Enterprise Street to meet Maroochydore Road at a new signalised intersection, around 550m west of the Pike Street/Killick Street intersection.
  • Left-in access only to the Killick Street/Hobbs Road industrial and residential areas from Maroochydore Road westbound—all other movements will not be available.
  • Modifying the current access arrangement just west of the Killick Street/Pike Street intersection to 2 businesses on the northern side of Maroochydore Road—alternate access will be provided via a U-turn facility at both the new Enterprise Street intersection and existing Killick Street/Pike Street intersection.
  • The preferred option is also compatible with the long-term strategic vision for this link.


Preliminary design for this project is fully funded by the Queensland Government through the State Road Network Upgrades Program. Investment ID 2218194

Total investment
$1.4 million
Queensland Government
$1.4 million

Community feedback

The department welcomed feedback about the planned future intersection upgrade during community consultation in September and October 2017. This is being considered during the design phase.

Current status

Preliminary design is progressing and this phase allows the department to design critical project components (such as intersection layouts, pavement details, drainage systems) at a level sufficient to assure reliable cost estimates and schedules for future funding proposals. 

There is currently no funding allocated to complete detailed design or the construction of the project. Construction of this project will be considered in the future after assessment of competing priorities and depending on funding availability.