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Department of Transport and Main Roads

About transit oriented developments (TOD)

What is a TOD?

The Department of Transport and Main Roads is responsible for the transit oriented development (TOD) projects across South East Queensland.

Transit-oriented development (TOD) promotes the creation of sustainable communities focussed around public transport infrastructure. 

TOD is recognised by:

  • effective land use and transport integration where a rapid and frequent transit service is available 
  • high accessibility to the public transport network 
  • public spaces where walkability and cycling are prioritised 
  • higher density residential, retail, commercial and community uses or ideally, a mix of these where appropriate. A successful TOD should achieve: 
    • increased patronage on the public transport network
    • greater mobility choice 
    • improved safety and activation 
    • improved community inclusivity and access 
    • opportunities to revitalise urban areas 
    • increased localised business and economic activity 
    • reduced travel times to reach employment, goods and services 
    • a balanced mix of uses 
    • maintained legibility of the public transport system.

TMR can:

  • actively promote or initiate development through land release, with contingent expectations of design excellence and integration
  • review and co-create market-led proposals with early engagement that maximises benefits to the public and the developer through customer-centred design. 

Where a TOD project interfaces with a rail station/ is within a railway (i.e. commercial corridor land), the railway manager, will be a key stakeholder, with additional standards to be adhered to and approvals required.

TMR can also facilitate the delivery of private sector TOD projects where a proponent may acquire adjacent departmental land and is actively seeking to integrate a development with the transit station. This includes projects such as Milton TOD, Buranda TOD and the Toowoomba Retail Link, constructed as part of the Grand Central Shopping Centre.

Last updated 08 July 2021