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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Pavement design supplement

This supplement provides guidance for the design of new pavements.

It is an extension to 'Part 2: Pavement Structural Design' of the Austroads Guide to Pavement Technology (Austroads, 2017).

It is intended that both the Austroads guide and the design supplement be read together. 

Pavement Design Supplement

The following design tools are available to assist experienced pavement designers in completing pavement designs for Transport and Main Roads projects:

  • The Class-Specific Traffic Loads Distribution (CTLD) spreadsheet is used to generate a traffic load distribution (TLD) for use in pavement design. It enables designers to combine class-specific traffic load distributions with classified vehicle counts to produce a single combined TLD.

Class-Specific Traffic Load Distributions (CTLD)

  • The CIRCLY 7.0 materials database is intended to facilitate the design of pavements following Transport and Main Roads guidelines and standards. It includes the most common materials used on departmental projects. The user guide summarises the content of the materials database and instructs users on how to install the database so that it can be used with CIRCLY 7.0 design software. More detailed information about CIRCLY 7.0 is available from

CIRCLY 7.0 Materials Database User Guide

CIRCLY 7.0 Materials Database

Last updated 20 December 2024