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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Project waste reporting

Under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011, we must provide an annual report on the amounts of waste generated, reused, recycled and sent to landfill. This report tracks our progress towards the waste reduction targets set by the Queensland Government.

A significant part of our waste comes from infrastructure construction and maintenance projects. Contractors are required to report the waste generated from these projects. Reporting requirements are outlined in Technical Specifications MRTS51 Environmental Management.

To help contractors and infrastructure designers in planning for waste generation, management and diverting it from landfill, a waste estimate is required when:

For detailed insights into our strategy for achieving the goal of becoming a zero-waste organisation and sustainability leader in the transport industry, refer to our Waste 2 Resource Strategy.

Waste 2 Resource calculator

The Waste 2 Resource calculator assists infrastructure projects to meet waste reporting requirements and to better plan, manage and reduce waste sent to landfill.

The Waste 2 Resource calculator provides:

Waste estimate

Allows pre-constructions project teams to estimate the amount of waste that would be generated and how much can be reused, recycled or sent to landfill. This helps project teams identify opportunities for waste to be reused and recycled. 

Calculations are based on:

  • type of waste
  • project costs
  • project duration. 

Use of the Waste 2 Resource calculator to generate a waste estimate is not mandatory, other formats may be used.

Data recording

Contractors are required to use the Waste 2 Resource calculator to record and report the actual amounts of waste generated and how much of that was reused, recycled or sent to landfill. It can also record the actual amounts of recycled material used on the project.

The Waste 2 Resource calculator must be used for:

For information on how to use the Waste 2 Resource calculator:

Waste 2 Resource calculator submission

The completed Waste 2 Resource calculator file must be submitted to the department at practical completion via email [email protected].

The User is required to name the file according to:

  1. contract ID
  2. contract name
  3. whether the file is an Estimate or an Actual data recording report.

For example:

Waste Disposal Statement

The Waste Disposal Statement is available to contractors to use when disposing waste generated from Transport and Main Road's infrastructure construction and maintenance projects. The purpose of the Waste Disposal Statement is to provide waste volume, waste source and waste category information to the Waste Disposal Site Operator. This statement will help disposal site operators determine the waste levy rates.

Last updated 20 December 2024