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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Transport Noise Management Code of Practice

The Noise Management Code of Practice provides guidance and instruction for the assessment and management of road traffic and construction noise.

Volume 1: Road traffic noise

Guides the direction for assessment, design and management of the impact of road traffic noise.

Volume 1: Road Traffic Noise

Volume 1: Road Traffic Noise - Appendices

Volume 2: Construction noise and vibration

Provides a framework for the identification and assessment of noise and vibration impacts from transport infrastructure construction.

2023 Version - Gazetted Current

The 'Transport Noise Management Code of Practice: Volume 2 - Construction Noise and Vibration' has been revised and gazetted under s551 of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (QLD). Compliance with the Code through an accepted Noise and Vibration Management Plan (NVMP) is a means of demonstrating compliance with the General Environmental Duty under the Environmental Protection Act.

The current version of the Code was gazetted on 11 August 2023 and is effective until 10 August 2030 unless repealed earlier.

Link to the 2023 Code hosted at the Department of Environment and Science

2016 Version - Gazettal Expired

The 2016 version of 'Transport Noise Management Code of Practice: Volume 2 - Construction Noise and Vibration' was gazetted on 29 July 2016. It was effective until 28 July 2023.

Link to the 2016 Code

Volume 3: Operational railway noise and vibration

This volume is currently under development and until publication, please refer to the ‘Interim Guideline – Operational Railway Noise and Vibration’.

The interim guideline provides operational railway noise and vibration criteria and monitoring, modelling and assessment reporting requirements.

Interim Guideline - Operational Railway Noise and Vibration

Last updated 11 August 2023