Northern Queensland taxi service areas
The Department of Transport and Main Roads provides a description of the boundary of all declared taxi service areas in the northern region of Queensland.
*Taxi service licences allow exempted taxis in this service area
Area | Description | Map |
Atherton | Beginning at the western end of Carrington Road proceed in a direct line north to the intersection of Simms Road and Campana Road. Head west along Simms Road to Salvetti Road and travel north along Salvetti Road to Griffin Road. Proceed west down Griffin Road to Rocky Creek. Follow Rocky Creek north to the point where it intersects Marnane Road and then head east along Marnane Road to its intersection with Champion Road. Proceed in a direct line east to the intersection of Auld Road and McPherson Road and then continue in a direct line south to the intersection of Willows Road and Robb Road. Proceed in a straight line south-east to the intersection of Kairi Road and Graham Road. Continue in a direct line south to the intersection of Tinaroo Falls Dam Road and Mountain View Drive. Travel along Mountain View Drive to its intersection with the Gillies Range Road. Continue in a straight line south to the intersection of the Kennedy Highway and Atherton Malanda Road. Proceed south along the Kennedy Highway to McCord Road. Continue in a direct line west to the intersection of Atherton Herberton Road and Carrington Road. Head along Carrington Road to its western end, which is the starting position. | Atherton taxi service map return to top |
Ayr | Beginning at the intersection of Ivanhoe Road and Tamagnome Road, continue along Tamagnome Rd and in the direction of this road to the intersection of Parker Rd and Ayr Lynchs Beach Rd. Travel southwest along Ayr Lynchs Beach Road to the intersection of Patricia Road, along Patricia Road to Lisa Drive and then to the end of Lisa Drive. Travel in a southwest direction to the intersection of Spiller Street and Drysdale Street, then along Drysdale Street to where it turns into the Bruce Highway. Continue southwest along the Bruce Highway to Five Ways Road, then south along Five Ways Road to Ivory Road. Follow Ivory Rd, Robertson Road and Webber Rd in an easterly direction to the end of Webber Rd, then head in a straight line, slightly northeast to the intersection of Nuttall Rd and Kilrie Rd. Follow Nuttall Road, Rita Island Road and Ivanhoe Rd back to the starting position. | Ayr taxi service map return to top |
Bamaga* | Beginning at a point in Buster Creek which is 1.5km south along the creek from Injinoo Road follow Buster Creek north to Injinoo Road. Travel south-west along Injinoo Road for 0.16km to the unnamed road on the right. Follow the unnamed road north for 2km to Sesia Road. Head north along Sesia Road for 0.54km and from this point continue in a straight line north-east to the point on Pajinka Road that is 3.15km north of the intersection of Pajinka Road and Airport Road. Head north along Pajinka Road to the intersection of Punsand Bay Road and Pajinka Road. Continue in a straight line in a south-easterly direction for 3.0km. From this point head south-west in a direct line to the intersection of Airport Road and Peninsula Developmental Road. From here head west to the point on Buster Creek that is the starting position. | Bamaga taxi service map return to top |
Cairns | Beginning at Simpson Point proceed directly west to the MacAlister Range and then head south along the MacAlister Range to Lamb Range. Continue south along Lamb Range to Copperlode Falls Dam and then proceed east to White Rock Peak. Head along the Isley Hills in a southerly direction to Gray Creek and then follow Gray Creek east to its junction with Wrights Creek. Follow Wrights Creek to its mouth, then follow Smiths Creek north to its junction with Skeleton Creek. Proceed north along Smiths Creek to its mouth at Trinity Inlet. Head north along the western edge of Trinity Inlet and continue following the coastline north to Simpson Point, which is the starting point. | Cairns taxi service map return to top |
Cardwell* | Beginning at the mouth of Muddy Creek follow Muddy Creek in a westerly direction to a point where a straight line extension of Clitheroe Street would intersect Muddy Creek. Proceed north-east for 0.275 km to the intersection of Gregory Street and Clitheroe Street. Proceed north-west along Gregory Street for 1.10km and continue heading north-west in alignment with Gregory Street for 1.52km to a point that is 30 metres south of the railway line. Continue travelling north-west along the unnamed street just west of the railway for 0.62km until it terminates at a T junction. Turn right into an unnamed street and continue for 0.20km to the Bruce Highway. Proceed north-west along the Bruce Highway for 2.07km to the Meunga Creek Bridge. Follow Meunga Creek east to its mouth. Continue south along the coastline to the mouth of Muddy Creek, which is the starting point. | Cardwell taxi service map return to top |
Charters Towers | Begin at the intersection of Black Jack Road and Duke Street, continue south along Black Jack Rd across the train line and then in an arc to the intersection of the Flinders Highway and Cumberland Road. Follow Cumberland Rd until it firsts intersects with the Charters Towers City LGA boundary (30 June, 2000). Follow the LGA boundary to its intersection with Aberdeen Creek. Continue along Aberdeen Ck to its intersection with Natal Downs Rd and then along the LGA boundary to its intersection with Carroll Street. Travel in a slightly northeast direction in an arc to a point on the LGA boundary that is opposite the end of Beveridge Lane. Follow the LGA boundary to its intersection with Archer Rd and continue to the right of Archer Rd to again meet the LGA boundary. Follow the LGA boundary to the starting position. | Charters Towers taxi service map return to top |
Cloncurry* | The taxi service area of Cloncurry is contained within a boundary commencing at the intersection of Cloncurry River and One Mile Creek, then south along the east side of Cloncurry River past it's intersection with Barkly Highway, continuing south along Cloncurry River approximately 2.5 km to where it intersects with the 2006 Urban Centre Locality (UCL) boundary, then follow the UCL boundary east approximately 4.5 km until it intersects with Round Oak Road, then travels north along Round Oak Road to it's intersection with McIlwraith Street, then east along McIlwraith Street approximately 300 m to the end of One Mile Creek, then travel via One Mile Creek returning to the start at the intersection of Cloncurry River and One Mile Creek. | Cloncurry taxi service map return to top |
Cooktown* | Commencing at the intersection of the Mulligan Highway and Annan Road proceed north-west in a straight line to the intersection of Endeavour Valley Road and Harry Heath Close. Continue east along Endeavour Valley Road to the intersection of Endeavour Valley Road and Macmillan Street. Travel north along Macmillan Street for 0.10 km and then east along Macmillan Street to the meeting point with Racecourse Creek. Follow Racecourse Creek northwards to its mouth, then head east along the southern bank of the Endeavour River to the mouth of the Endeavour River. Continue east along the coastline and then south to Cherry Tree Bay and the mouth of Alligator Creek in Finch Bay. From the mouth of Alligator Creek continue south in a straight line to the eastern end of Boundary Street. Continue for 0.23 km in a straight line south to the boundary of Mt Cook National Park. Proceed west along the boundary of Mt Cook National Park and continue following the boundary of Mt Cook National Park to the intersection of the Mulligan Highway and Quarantine Bay Road. Continue east along Quarantine Bay Road to Clay Close and then travel south to the end of Clay Close. Continue in a straight line from the end of Clay Close in a westerly direction to the intersection of the Mulligan Highway and Annan Road, which is the starting point. | Cooktown taxi service map return to top |
Gordonvale Yarrabah | Beginning at Flirt Point, Russell Heads head west along Muchero Inlet to the Mouth of the Mulgrave River. Proceed north along the Mulgrave River to a point in alignment with Tidmarsh Road. Head in a straight line west along Tidmarsh Road and continue west to the Bellenden Ker Range. Head along Bellenden Ker Range to its southern point and then proceed in a north-west direction to Lamb Range. Continue north along Lamb Range to Copper Falls Dam and then proceed east to White Rock Peak. Head along the Isley Hills in a southerly direction to Gray Creek and then follow Gray Creek east to its junction with Wrights Creek. Follow Wrights Creek to its mouth, then proceed north-east along Trinity Inlet passing the mouth of Redbank Creek. Proceed north along the eastern edge of Trinity Inlet and then continue following the coastline to False Cape and Cape Grafton and south to Flirt Point, which is the starting point. | Gordonvale Yarrabah taxi service map return to top |
Horn Island* | The Horn Island taxi service area covers the entire land mass of Horn Island. | Horn Island taxi service map return to top |
Ingham* | The taxi service area of Ingham is contained within a boundary commencing at the intersection of Halifax Road and the Bruce Highway. Continuing south west to the intersection of Gardiner Street and Neame Street, then north west along Gardiner Street until Herbert River, then in a westerly direction along Herbert River which branches onto McGordon Creek, then follow McGordon Creek until it intersects with Mercer Street, then continue along Mercer Street to intersection Fairford Road, then along Fairford Road to its intersection with Victoria Street, then continue along Victoria Street and left into Cooper Street. Then along Cooper Street to Townsville Road, then south along Townsville Road to it's intersection with Skinner Street, then continue in an easterly direction along Skinner Street to the railway line, then follow the railway line south 100 m, then head east to the fork in Lottery Creeks, then east along Lottery Creek, then follow Palm Creek north to a point parallel to the intersection of Victoria Mill Road and Cartwright street. Then follow Victoria Mill Road east approximately 1.2 km to where it intersects with the 2006 Urban Centre Locality (UCL) boundary, then north along the UCL boundary until it intersects with the railway line, then approximately 400 m along the railway line, then south west along Halifax Road back to the start at the intersection of Halifax Road and Bruce Highway. | Ingham taxi service map return to top |
Innisfail | Commencing at the junction of Palm Avenue and the Esplanade, Coconuts, continue north along Palm Avenue and then west along Flying Fish Point Road to the intersection of Flying Fish Point Road, Reynolds Road and Jubilee Road. Travel north along Jubilee Road to Kirk Road. Head north along Kirk Road to Fallon Road. Continue west along Fallon Road and then head north into Garradunga Road and turn west into Eubanangee Road. Follow Eubanangee Road to Gold Mine Road. Turn south into Goldmine Road and then follow Goldmine Road to Todd Road. Turn west into Todd Road and travel to Jogo Road and proceed along Jogo Road to the Bruce Highway. Travel east along the Bruce Highway to Pernase Road and then head along Pernase Road to the Johnstone River. Follow the Johnstone River west to a point directly in line with Stotter Road and then head south along Stotter Road to the Palmerstone Highway. Follow the Palmerston Highway to Henderson Drive and travel east along Henderson Drive to Riera Road. Head east along Riera Road to Henderson Drive and continue east along Henderson Drive to Innisfail Japoon Road. Turn right into Innisfail Japoon Road and travel south along Innisfail Japoon Road to the Johnston River Bridge. Follow the Johnstone River north-east to the South Johnstone Road Bridge. From here, travel south west along South Johnstone Road to Sorbello Road. Travel south and then east along Sorbello Road and continue east along Camuglia Road for 0.33km to its end. Proceed east in a straight line to the northern end of Croatta Road. Head south-east along Croatta Road to the Bruce Highway. Travel south along the Bruce Highway to Martyville Road and turn east into Martyville Road and proceed to New Harbour Line Road. Travel east along New Harbour Line Road to Marano Road and follow Marano Road south to the Moresby River. Head along the Moresby River in an easterly direction to its mouth on the coast. Proceed north along the coastline to the mouth of the Johnstone River and the junction of Palm Avenue and the Esplanade, Coconuts, which is the starting point. | Innisfail taxi service map return to top |
Karumba* | The taxi service area of Karumba is contained within a boundary commencing at the intersection of Karumba Point Road and Karumba Developmental Road, then heads south east approximately 250 m until it reaches the boundary of the 2006 Urban Centre Locality (UCL) boundary, then travels south along the UCL boundary until it intersects with Catalina Street, then follows Catalina Street into Grey Street then into Riverview Drive, to the end of Riverview Drive, then north west to Norman River, then north east along Norman River to its junction with the coastline, then continuing north along the coastline until a point approximately 850 m north of the northern most point of Karumba Point Road, then 200 m inland, then 500 m back down along the coastline towards the Esplanade, then south east to the intersection of Karumba Point Road and Karumba Gun Club Road, then continue along Karumba Point Road before returning to the starting point at intersection Karumba Point Road and Karumba Developmental Road. | Karumba taxi service map return to top |
Kuranda* | Beginning at the intersection of the Kennedy Highway and Fallon Road travel north along the Kennedy Highway to the Barron River Bridge. Follow the Barron River in a north-westerly direction for 2.40 km. From this point proceed west in a straight line to the intersection of Black Mountain Road and the State Forest boundary. Continue in a straight line south-west to the junction of Coconut Grove and Salamone Drive. Head south along Salamone Drive to the intersection of Salamone Drive and Saddle Mountain Road. Proceed in a straight line from this intersection south for 1.78 km to a point on the Barron River that is directly in line with Weir Road. Proceed in a straight line to the eastern end of Weir Road and head west along Weir Road for 0.1 km. Follow the boundary of the Barron River National Park south to where it intersects Barron Falls Road. Continue west in a straight line to the intersection of Masons Road and Fallon Road. Head west along Fallon Road to its intersection with the Kennedy Highway, which is the starting point. | Kuranda taxi service map return to top |
Magnetic Island | The Magnetic Island taxi service area covers the entire island. | Magnetic Island taxi service map return to top |
Mareeba | Beginning at the southern end of Torrisi Road beside the Barron River travel in a straight line west for 3.90 km passing through the intersection of Ray Road and Carr Road. Continue in a direct line north to the intersection of Mareeba Dimbulah Road and Dillon Street. Proceed in a straight line in a north-easterly direction to the northern end of Moody Street. Head directly east to the northern end of Walsh Street beside the Barron River. From this point proceed in a straight line south-east to the intersection of the Kennedy Highway and Malone Road. Continue in a south-westerly direction along the Kennedy Highway to its intersection with Malone Road and Tinaroo Creek Road. From this point proceed south in a straight line to the southern end of Torrisi Road, which is the starting position. | Mareeba taxis service map return to top |
Mission Beach* | Commencing at the mouth of the Hull River proceed in a straight line directly north for 21.40km to the intersection of Midgeree Bar Road and Fig Tree Beach Road. Continue east along Fig Tree Beach Road to its end point. From this location proceed in a straight line to the mouth of Muff Creek. Continue south along the coastline from Muff Creek to the Hull River, which is the starting point. | Mission Beach service map return to top |
Mossman* | Beginning at the point where the South Mossman River meets Captain Cook Highway travel west along the Captain Cook Highway to its intersection with Shannonvale Road. Travel south along Shannonvale Road to a point that is 1.40 km from the Captain Cook Highway. Continue north-west in a direct line to the southern end of Marrs Creek which is located 0.52 km along the creek to the south of Mossman Gorge Road. Follow Marrs Creek north to its junction with the Mossman River. Continue along the Mossman River in an easterly direction until it meets the South Mossman River. Follow the South Mossman River in a southerly direction to where it meets the Captain Cook Highway, which is the starting position. | Mossman taxi service map return to top |
Mt Isa | Boundary is a 9 km radius from GPO. | Mt Isa taxi service map return to top |
Normanton* | The taxi service area of Normanton is contained within a boundary commencing at the bridge crossing on Waverley Street over the Norman River, then SE along the banks of Norman River to the end of the Esplanade, then follow the small creek off Norman River to a point parallel to Old Croydon Road approximately 2.6 km south of its intersection with Landsborough Road, then follow the Urban Locality Area boundary to where it intersects with Landsborough Road, then directly north to Three Mile Creek, then continuing north following Three Mile Creek as far as the banks of Norman River, then by a line east following Three Mile Creek until its junction with Norman River, then returning to the intersection of Norman River and Waverley Street Bridge. | Normanton taxi service map return to top |
Port Douglas | Beginning at Dickson Inlet travel west along the shoreline with the Coral Sea to the mouth of Dip Creek. Follow Dip Creek in a southerly direction to the Captain Cook Highway and then travel north-west along the Captain Cook Highway to Colenso Road. Continue in a straight line along Colenso Road to Cassowary Range. Proceed in a south-easterly direction along Cassowary Range to the Mowbray River. Follow the Mowbray River north-east to its mouth and then follow the coastline north to Dickson Inlet, which is the starting point. | Port Douglas taxi service map return to top |
Ravenshoe* | Beginning at the point where the South Cedar Creek meets The Millstream follow The Millstream in a northerly direction until The Millstream and Topaz Street meet about 0.66 km north-west of the intersection of Curmbu and Grigg Streets. Travel in a straight line in a south-easterly direction for 1.25 km to the right angle bend of North Cedar Creek which is just north of Mcmillan Street. Proceed in a straight line south to the junction of South Cedar Creek and Butchers Creek. Continue south in a direct line to the junction of Grevillia Avenue and Sycamore Street. Travel east along Sycamore Street to its intersection with Wooroora Road. From this point head in a direct line west to the junction of South Cedar Creek and The Millstream, which is the starting point. | Ravenshoe taxi service map return to top |
Thursday Island* | The Thursday Island taxi service area covers the entire land mass of Thursday Island. | Thursday Island taxi service map return to top |
Townsville Thuringowa | The Townsville/Thuringowa taxi service area is contained within a boundary commencing at the confluence of the Black River and the foreshores of Cleveland Bay, then via the Black River to its junction with the Alice River, then via the Alice River to its intersection with the Hervey's Range Development Road, then via Hervey's Range Development Road to its intersection with the Bohle River, then south along the Bohle River to its end. Due west to the Upper Ross River Dam, along it northern edge, then by a line east through the intersection of Anthill Creek and the Flinders Highway, to Alligator Creek, then via Alligator Creek to the confluence of Alligator Creek and the foreshores of Cleveland Bay. | Townsville Thuringowa taxi service map return to top |
Tully* | Beginning at the intersection of the Bruce Highway and Dean Road travel west along Dean Road to the intersection of of Dean Road and Jarra Creek Road. Proceed west from the intersection and in alignment with Dean Road to the boundary of the State Forest Recreation Area. Follow the State Forest Recreation Area boundary north to where it is intersected by Bronzewing Creek. Proceed along Bronzewing Creek east to the point where it intersects Bamber Street. Continue directly north to the point where Bulgun Creek intersects Keir Road. Follow Bulgun Creek south-east to the location where it is closest to junction of Riley and Vaughan Streets. Head directly to the junction of Riley and Vaughan Streets and then east along Vaughan Street to the Bruce Highway. Continue south in a straight line from the intersection of the Bruce Highway and Vaughan Street to the intersection of the Bruce Highway and Dean Road, which is the starting point. | Tully taxi service map return to top |
Weipa* | Beginning at the point on Kerr Point Drive that is 1.51 kms west of the intersection of John Evans Drive, Central Avenue and Kerr Point Drive, proceed directly north to the coastline. Head north along the coastline for 7.5 kms to the bridge across Albatross Bay at Awonga Point. Proceed south from the bridge along Andoom Road for 4.28km. From this point continue west in a direct line to the intersection of the John Evans Drive, Central Avenue and Kerr Point Drive. Follow John Evans Drive south for 0.75 km and from this point proceed in a straight line west to the southern end of Christie Avenue. Continue north-west in a straight line to the point on Kerr Point Drive that is 1.51 kms west of the intersection of the John Evans Drive, Central Avenue and Kerr Point Drive, which is the starting position. | Weipa taxi service map return to top |
Title: Regional Manager (Passenger Transport) Northern
Phone: (07) 4045 7097a
Fax: +61 7 4040 7080f
aHigher rates apply from mobile phones and payphones. If calling outside of Queensland, STD rates will apply.
fSTD charges may apply.
- Last updated 20 July 2023