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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Austroads Safety Hardware Training and Accreditation Scheme (ASHTAS)

Austroads Safety Hardware Training and Accreditation Scheme (ASHTAS) is a national training and accreditation scheme for people who design, install, inspect, maintain and repair permanent road safety barriers and end treatments on Australian and New Zealand’s road networks. The scheme has been developed to ensure safety and compliance with jurisdictional and supplier specification requirements.

What are the upcoming changes that I need to be aware of?

All individuals who directly impact the quality of installation, maintenance or repair of permanent road safety barriers and end treatments must attain accreditation by successfully completing the ‘Operative Course'.

ASHTAS requirements will be incorporated into Transport and Main Roads Technical Specification MRTS14 Road Furniture. These requirements are scheduled to become effective with the release of the document that is scheduled for the July 2024 publication cycle. 

It is understood that under certain circumstances, not all practitioners are able to meet the July 2024 deadline for completing the Operative Course. Therefore, Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is offering a grace period to 31 December 2024 for certain cases. Individuals or projects seeking this extension must submit a justification to TMR project sponsor or asset owner for consideration.

It is important to note that for any existing contracts and projects, where funding has been secured against the specification that was current at that time, requirements will remain unchanged and applicable. However, Transport and Main Roads should, wherever possible aim to adopt the latest specifications.

The Operative course is the foundation course of the ASHTAS series of courses providing safety and operational awareness. It is mandatory for anyone who directly impacts the quality of installation, maintenance or repair of permanent road safety barriers and end treatments.

There is a requirement to complete a refresher course every three years to keep your certification current. 

Once future Installer courses become available, a specified deadline for completion of these courses will be communicated to those applicable.  

The rollout of ASHTAS courses will occur over several years. Transport and Main Roads will inform industry as additional courses, such as designer, inspector, rigid barrier and temporary barriers become available.

Training Courses?

  • Operative course
    Foundation course of the ASHTAS series of courses providing safety and operational awareness.

  • Installer course - under development
    The next stage of training provides the elements of systems and the practice of system installation.

  • Designer course - under development 
    Training for barrier designers and practitioners covering the theory of barrier design practices and fundamentals.

Where can I go for more information?

For further information and a list of course providers, please visit:

Last updated 20 December 2024