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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Electronic Signature Policy for Engineering Drawings

The Electronic Signature Policy enables the use of electronic signatures for engineering drawings. The department is committed to a full digital delivery model for engineering design, consistent with the Queensland Government's Building Information Modelling Strategy.

Engineering Policy

Frequently Asking Questions

What is the required format for drawings being submitted to the Plan Room?

Standard PDF format is acceptable but make sure it meets the requirements set out in the Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual (DDPSM). As a general rule, make sure they are A3 in size and at least 600 DPI in quality.

For an electronic signature, the existing standard TMR drawing template should be used, as per the DDPSM. Include your full name, Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ), number or position title, and date of certification/verification as text in the relevant places within the template. DDPSM and CADD customisations have been updated to meet this policy.

Why do we need this policy? Don't all projects already supply the department with PDFs?

In many cases, drawings are already being electronically signed by practitioners, for example 'clean' As Constructed drawings. As per Crown Law advice, these electronic signed documents effectively supersede the need for wet signature versions to be created.

A PDF format over a physical version has therefore been adopted as the preferred method of submitting drawings to Transport and Main Roads and/or the Plan Room. The electronic signature policy will save duplication by elimination of hard copies using existing, readily available tools while still complying with the responsibilities for both practitioners and the department.

Who does this policy apply to?

This policy applies to all individuals delivering departmental projects including internal and external practitioners, consultants and contractors who are responsible for certification and/or verification of designs.

What does this mean for my contract, and is Transport and Main Roads still able to process wet signature hard copy drawings?

The Plan Room is aware many current projects and contracts underway were set up to require hard copies and, at this point in time, the department will continue to accept either form. However, with electronically signed PDFs now our default method for receiving drawings, hard copy drawings will be the exception moving forward. Contact your departmental Project Manager or GIMS Officer if you have any queries on the acceptable format for your current or future projects/contracts.

Does this policy apply to all documents submitted to the department?

This policy applies to documents requiring submission as detailed in the DDPSM. If you are unsure, contact Transport and Main Roads to find out what format is required.

As an RPEQ, how does this policy impact me and who is responsible for ensuring the use of my electronic signature is secure?

An electronic signature is considered equivalent to a wet signature as advised by Crown Law.

Practitioners are responsible for ensuring they are utilising a secure process in the production of engineering drawings prior to submission to the department. This may be in the form of an existing internal quality assurance process that is undertaken by your organisation. For an example of a quality assurance process please view example of Engineering Drawings Quality Assurance Record excel spreadsheet.

These drawings are an important project record and you may be required to produce your quality assurance evidence by Transport and Main Roads if validity of the documents is questioned. As always, once drawing documents are received by the department, they are securely processed by our Plan Room for final archival and recordkeeping.

Why has the department set the default requirement as an electronic signature?

The department's policy caters for as many organisations as possible, acknowledging the varying levels of capability. Not all organisations have the capability required to comply with the requirements of a full digital signature approach. The simpler method in this policy of text based electronically signed drawings in PDF format, when submitted electronically, meets the traceability requirements.

Will this policy apply to the sharing of CADD files with the department?

Where a Transport and Main Road's contract specifically requires submission and supply of CADD files, contact your departmental Project Manager, as this policy does not directly apply to the submission of CADD files.

Last updated 7 August 2024