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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Priority area 2: Inclusive, harmonious and united communities


  • Recognition and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and culture
  • Queenslanders celebrate our multicultural identity  
  • Connected and resilient communities 
  • A respectful and inclusive narrative about diversity 


Responsible agency


Progress status for 2021-22


  • Completed
  • Yet to commence

Achievements and outcomes for people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities

Please provide commentary e.g. 3-4 dot points of advice on achievements and outcomes. Include qualitative and quantitative data if available/relevant.

Promote the Multicultural Queensland Charter to government agency staff and consider its principles when developing policies or providing services.    

All agencies



Include references to the Multicultural Queensland Charter in agency-wide communications and through Director-General messages during Multicultural Queensland Month and broadly.

Department of Transport and Main Roads














The DG as Champion for Accessibility promotes activities and events to support the Multicultural Queensland Charter on social media for – Multicultural Month, Harmony Week, Refugee Week and other days of cultural significance.

Employee engagement continues to increase for multicultural events from 25% in 2021 to 25.6% in 2022. This is measured from employee generated yammer posts, LinkedIn posts, employee attendance at events and the number of hits to our multicultural portal.

Harmony Week education campaign toolkits developed and promoted in employee reference groups and to all branches in TMR to support the principles in the Multicultural Queensland Charter.

Support workforce engagement events and forums focused on the Multicultural Queensland Charter and how its principles can be ‘brought to life’ in the workplace.

Department of Transport and Main Roads









In Refugee Week TMR partnered with Community for a panel discussion on refugees and asylum seekers. After the event employees donated goods and services to support refugee settlement programs.

Continued to celebrate Harmony Week and Multicultural Month by sponsoring a community program with Access Community Services.

There has been an increase from 3% in 2021 to 3.8% in 2022 from our regionally based employees posting events, activities and photos for Harmony Week and Multicultural Month.

Ensure policy setting and forward-facing customer service areas have access to the Multicultural Queensland Charter and use it as a lens of consideration when developing policies and planning inclusive and respectful service delivery.

Department of Transport and Main Roads













Customer Service Branch Accessibility and Inclusion interest group established in late 2021 is a platform for employees across TMR to discuss a broad range of accessibility & inclusion topics. The interest group has over 150 members and has monthly meetings.

Customer Services Branch Accessibility and Inclusion Program launched in March 2022 is to facilitate governance and prioritisation of investments to support delivery of accessibility and inclusion initiatives.

Customer Service Branch and TransLink completed a review of the customer satisfaction survey respondents to ensure all customers with disabilities and culturally and linguistically diverse were able to complete the survey.

Sign up and participate in the Australian Human Rights Commission Racism. It stops with me campaign.

All agencies



Promote the agency’s participation in the Australian Human Rights Commission Racism. It stops with me campaign, including on Harmony Day.

Department of Transport and Main Roads










During Harmony Week, Refugee Week and NAIDOC, TMR promoted the new awareness campaign for employees to share lived experiences of racism and its impact for learning and action.

For the third year running TMR continued to encourage employees to sign the TMR digital pledge to stop racism. To date TMR has over 300 digital pledges.

In Adult Learning Week September 2022, TMR promoted life-long learning opportunities in online training, leadership programs and mentoring for all employees.

Last updated 7 October 2022