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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Early acquisition policy

The Queensland Government aims to provide a better and safer transport network for all Queenslanders. To ensure the best possible future for all, privately owned land must sometimes be acquired for improvements to transport infrastructure.

The Transport Planning and Co-ordination Act 1994 allows the Department of Transport and Main Roads to acquire land, and the Acquisition of Land Act 1967 explains the provisions for acquisition.

With forward planning, some property owners may be advised of a land requirement well before construction. However, land is usually not acquired more than 1 or 2 years prior to construction.

Some land owners may approach the department to be considered for an early purchase of their property under the Early acquisition policy.

Contact us

For more information contact [email protected] or mail to:

Department of Transport and Main Roads
Early Acquisitions
GPO Box 1412

Last updated 6 June 2022