School Transport Infrastructure Program
The School Transport Infrastructure Program (STIP) provides funding to improve the safety and operation of schools through new or improved infrastructure at the school and/or on the surrounding road network.
STIP complements other ongoing initiatives to improve safety in and around Queensland schools including the Flashing School Zone Signs Program, the School Crossing Supervisor Scheme and the Community Road Safety Grants Program.
What are the eligibility requirements?
Funding is available through the STIP for the installation of new or improved transport related infrastructure at a school and/or surrounding road network, such as, but not limited to:
- construction / upgrading of bus set-down areas, indents/ bays, parking bays and/or turn-around areas
- construction / upgrading of bikeways and shared pathways
- installation / upgrading of traffic signals and other intersection improvements
- construction / upgrading or extension of Stop, Drop and Go zones
- construction / upgrading of pedestrian pathways, fencing and barriers.
Information about eligibility requirements can be read in the STIP Guidelines.
Who can submit a STIP idea?
- State and non-state schools, including Parents and Citizens and Parents and Friends Associations
- Members of the community
- Road authorities
- Members of Parliament
How to submit a STIP idea?
To submit an idea, please complete the STIP Ideas Application Form. Then scan the form and email it to [email protected].
On receipt of the STIP Idea Application Form, a relevant TMR Manager (Road Safety) will examine and assess the eligibility of a STIP idea and the relevant nominee/s will be notified of the outcome. Further information about the STIP process can be read in the STIP Guidelines.
STIP development process

Guidelines and Form
If you need assistance with accessible access to these publications, email [email protected].
- Last updated 1 March 2024