Roadworks drainage culverts and geotechnical
- Concrete barriers and guardrails
- Drainage, retaining structures and protective treatments
- Fencing and noise barriers
- General earthworks and property access
- Grids
- Landscape and revegetation works
- Road furniture
- Signs and guide posts
- Combined sets of drawings
Public domain steel barrier systems must not be used on new projects or installations within the departmental road network. This change aligns Queensland with other Australian states and territories and complies with AS/NZS 3845. To enable maintenance of existing public domain steel barrier systems, for repairs and replacements without the full system being impacted, view the withdrawn drawings. For further information on this change view the FAQs and Decision Tree. |
Concrete barriers and guardrails
- SD1458 - Single Slope Concrete Barrier - Precast Concrete Barrier Fabrication Details (Drawing 1 of 2 to Drawing 2 of 2)
- SD1466 - Concrete Barriers - Typical Delineator Bracket Details
- SD1467 - Concrete Barriers - Cast-In Anchor Assembly for Thrie Beam Terminal Connector
- SD1468 - Single Slope Concrete Barrier - Extruded Median Barrier - Barrier, Reinforcing and Expansion Joint Details (Sheet 1 of 2 and Sheet 2 of 2)
- SD1469 - Single Slope Concrete Barrier - Fabrication and Installation Details of Cover Plates at Road Lighting Poles in Concrete Barriers
- SD1470 - Single Slope Concrete Barrier - Concrete Terminal for Median Barrier with Thrie Beam Guardrail Connection (Drawing 1 of 2 and Drawing 2 of 2)
- SD1473 - Single Slope Concrete Barrier - Precast Concrete Barrier Installation Details
- SD1484 - Steel Beam Guardrail - Batter Slope Terminals 1 on 1 and Steeper - General Arrangement and Installation Details
- SD1485 - Steel Beam Guardrail - Batter Slope Terminals 1 on 1 and Steeper - Concrete Terminal Block
- SD1486 - Single Slope Concrete Barrier - Concrete Terminal for Barrier with Thrie Beam Guardrail Connection (Drawing 1 of 2 and Drawing 2 of 2)
Drainage, retaining structures and protective treatments
- SD881 - Cane Railway Crossings - Asphalt Paved and Concrete
- SD1033 - Kerb and Channel - Profiles
- SD1043 - Reinforcing Steel - Standard Bar Shapes Typical Details and Notes (Drawing 1 of 4 to Drawing 4 of 4)
- SD1044 - Reinforcing Steel - Lap Lengths
- SD1116 - Subsoil Drains - Outlets and Cleanouts
- SD1145 - Standard P.V.C. Scupper - Details for Cast Insitu Deck
- SD1240 - RC Slab Deck Culvert (Drawing 1 of 4 to Drawing 4 of 4)
- SD1241 - RC Slab Deck Culvert - Culvert Extension
- SD1243 - Precast Culvert Headwalls - Headwall Connections (Drawing 1 of 3 to Drawing 3 of 3)
- SD1250 - R C Box Culverts and Slab Link Box Culverts - Culverts Height > 600 (Drawing 1 of 3 to Drawing 3 of 3)
- SD1260 - R C Box Culverts and Slab Link Box Culverts - Culverts Height = 375 to 600 (Drawing 1 of 2 to Drawing 2 of 2)
- SD1270 - Fish Passage - R C Box Culverts in ADR Red Mapped Waterways (Drawing 1 to 2 to Drawing 2 to 2)
- SD1271 - Fish Passage - R C Box Culverts in ADR Amber Mapped Waterways
- SD1304 - Pipe Culverts - Wingwalls, Headwall and Apron for Pipe Diameter 750 to 2400 (Drawing 1 of 2 and Drawing 2 of 2)
- SD1305 - Pipe Culverts - Headwall and Apron for Pipe Diameter 375 to 675
- SD1307 - Access Chamber - Cast Insitu Details for 1050 to 2100 Diameter Roadway Type Access Chamber
- SD1308 - Access Chamber - Precast Roof Slab for 1050 to 2100 Diameter Roadway Type Access Chamber
- SD1309 - Concrete Gully - Field Inlet Type 1
- SD1310 - Concrete Gully - Field Inlet Type 2
- SD1311 - Concrete Gully - Roadway Type Channel Lip in Line
- SD1312 - Concrete Gully - Roadway Type Kerb in Line
- SD1313 - Concrete Gully - Precast Lintel Details
- SD1321 - Concrete Gully - Precast Concrete Side Inlet Gully with Precast Shaft
- SD1322 - Concrete Gully - Precast Concrete Side Inlet Gully with Cast In Situ Pit
- SD1358 - Maintenance Marker Posts - Post and Installation Details
- SD1359 - Culverts - Installation, Bedding and Filling/Backfilling Against/Over Culverts
- SD1442 - Concrete Gullies - Roadway Type at Concrete Barriers
- SD1443 - Concrete Gully - Roadway Type Precast Inlet Units on Grade
- SD1444 - Concrete Gully - Roadway Type Precast Inlet Units in Sag
- SD1445 - Concrete Gully - Roadway Type for Type 28 Channel
- SD1446 - Kerb Ramp - Ramped Kerb Crossing
- SD1447 - Median and Island Crossing - Ramped and Cut-Through Treatment for Pedestrian Facilities
- SD1459 - Concrete Gully - Roadway Type Channel Lip in Line Anti-Ponding
- SD2231 - Abutment Protection - Permanent Survey Instrument Mount
- SD2232 - Abutment Protection - Type 1 - Rock Spillthrough - Up to 1700 Clearance
- SD2233 - Abutment Protection - Type 1 - Rock Spillthrough - Greater than 1700 Clearance
- SD2234 - Abutment Protection - Type 2 - Reinforced Concrete Over Spillthrough - Up to 1700 Clearance
- SD2235 - Abutment Protection - Type 2 - Reinforced Concrete Over Spillthrough - Greater than 1700 Clearance
- SD2236 - Abutment Protection - Type 4 - Rockwork Over Spillthrough - Up to 1700 Clearance
- SD2237 - Abutment Protection - Type 4 - Rockwork Over Spillthrough - Greater than 1700 Clearance
- SD2238 - Abutment Protection - Rock Masonry
- SD2241 - Abutment Protection - Type 7 - Rock Filled Gabion Protection - Height Up to 6 metres
- SD2242 - Abutment Protection - Type 8 - Riprap Protection - Height up to 6 metres
Fencing and noise barriers
- SD1600 - Fencing - Rural Fence and Gates Timber Posts and Stays
- SD1601 - Fencing - Rural Fence and Gates CHS Posts and Stays
- SD1602 - Fencing - Chainwire Fences and Gates
- SD1603 - Fencing - Koala Proof Fence and Gate
- SD1604 - Fencing - Galvanized Welded Mesh Fencing
- SD1606 - Noise Barriers - Structural Detail RHS and SHS Steel Posts Plywood Panels
- SD1607 - Noise Barriers - Structural Detail Universal Beam Posts Plywood Panels
- SD1608 - Noise Barriers - Structural Detail Universal Beam Posts Concrete Panels Steel Panels
- SD1615 - Fauna Exclusion Fencing - Floppy Top Mesh Fence and Gate (Drawing 1 of 2 and Drawing 2 of 2)
General earthworks and property access
- SD1045 - Revegetation - Treatment of Cut Batters
- SD1178 - Diversion of Water - Diversion of Water from Roadway and Table Drains
- SD1359 - Culverts - Installation, Bedding and Filling/Backfilling Against/Over Culverts
- SD1807 - Property Access - Rural Property Access (Drawing 1 of 2 and Drawing 2 of 2)
- SD1353 - Road Furniture - Vermin and Dog Fencing at Motor Grid
- SD1354 - Road Furniture - Standard Bicycle Safe Fitting to Existing Motor Grid
- SD1355 - Road Furniture - Alternative Bicycle Safe Fitting to Existing Motor Grid
- SD1561 - Road Furniture - Motor Grid - General Arrangement (Drawing 1 of 2 and Drawing 2 of 2)
- SD1562 - Road Furniture - Motor Grid - Cast Insitu Abutment
- SD1563 - Road Furniture - Motor Grid - Cast Insitu Base Slab (Drawing 1 of 2 and Drawing 2 of 2)
- SD1564 - Road Furniture - Motor Grid - Precast Base Slab (Drawing 1 of 2 and Drawing 2 of 2)
- SD1565 - Road Furniture - Motor Grid - Steelworks
Landscape and revegetation works
- SD1643 - Vegetation Ground Works - Planting Container Stock Kerbed Medians and Separators
- SD1644 - Vegetation Ground Works - Hardstand Abutments to Vegetation Works
- SD1647 - Vegetation Works - Matting
- SD1650 - Vegetation Works - Turfing
- SD1651 - Vegetation Works - Seeding
- SD1653 - Vegetation Works - Planting Container Stock < 25L Container
- SD1654 - Vegetation Works - Planting Container Stock > 25L Container
Road furniture
- SD1170 - Flood Depth Indicators - Installation
- SD1446 - Kerb Ramp - Ramped Kerb Crossing
- SD1447 - Median and Island Crossing - Ramped and Cut-Through Treatment for Pedestrian Facilities
- SD1518 - Banners on Light Poles - 2 Metre Banner Installation and Support Details (Drawing 1 of 2 to 2 of 2)
- KRG1 - Kerb ramp - Guidelines for the installation of tactile ground surface indicators on ramped kerb crossings
- KRG2 - Kerb ramp - Application examples for the installation of tactile ground surface indicators on ramped kerb crossings
Signs and guide posts
- SD1294 - Sign - Roadwork Delineators
- SD1295 - Sign - Fingerboard, Geographical Feature and Street Name Sign Bracket Details
- SD1356 - Road Edge Guide Posts - Post and Installation Details
- SD1363 - Traffic Sign - Multiple Traffic Sign Support (Drawing 1 of 2 and Drawing 2 of 2)
- SD1364 - Traffic Sign - Connection Strap and Erection Cleat Details
- SD1365 - Traffic Sign - Traffic Sign Support Breakaway Post Details (Two or more Supports)
- SD1368 - Traffic Sign - Single Traffic Sign Support
- SD1369 - Traffic Sign - Details of Sign Stiffening Extrusion
- SD1452 - Traffic Sign - Sight Board (Drawing 1 of 3 to Drawing 3 of 3)
- SD1851 - Hazard Marker - Post and Installation Details
Combined sets of drawings
For convenience, each set of drawings has been compiled into a single downloadable package.
Note that these packages are current as of 31 July 2024.
- Last updated 31 July 2024