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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Roadworks drainage culverts and geotechnical

Public domain steel barrier systems must not be used on new projects or installations within the departmental road network. This change aligns Queensland with other Australian states and territories and complies with AS/NZS 3845. To enable maintenance of existing public domain steel barrier systems, for repairs and replacements without the full system being impacted, view the withdrawn drawings. For further information on this change view the FAQs and Decision Tree


Concrete barriers and guardrails

Drainage, retaining structures and protective treatments

Fencing and noise barriers

General earthworks and property access


Landscape and revegetation works

Road furniture

Signs and guide posts

Combined sets of drawings

For convenience, each set of drawings has been compiled into a single downloadable package.
Note that these packages are current as of 29 November 2024.

Last updated 31 July 2024