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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Surveying support documents

Geoscience Australia and the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) established and released the new Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) to address tectonic plate shifts since the last update in the mid 1990's.
Updates to Transport and Main Road's spatial data and systems are currently underway and a full adoption of GDA2020 is currently scheduled to be completed by late 2021.
For more information and the department's transition to GDA2020 contact the project team via email at [email protected].


Control Surveys

This guideline provides specific requirements for the planning, observation and delivery of Project Reference Frame surveys using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology.

GNSS Control Surveys

This manual and checklist provides information for survey professionals about how to download, process and adjust a GNSS network, using Trimble Business Center v5.40 GNSS processing and analysing software.

Trimble Business Center v5.40 - Processing and adjusting GNSS survey control networks
Trimble Business Center Checklist

Mobile Laser Scanning

Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) technical guidelines aim to bring consistent terminology, understanding and methods to the MLS capture process.

MLS technical guideline

The MLS technical guideline checklist is an integral accompaniment to the guidelines and forms part of all project proposals. It states technical aspects required by the department and also provides the Offerer the opportunity to detail their method.

 MLS technical guideline checklist

Last updated 27 July 2023