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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Temporary Traffic Management

Transport and Main Roads has aligned its technical guidance for temporary traffic management in Queensland to Australian Standard AS 1742.3 and Austroads' Guide to Temporary Traffic Management.

This alignment involves:

The Queensland MUTCD and QGTTM provide only requirements and recommendations specific to Queensland.

The Queensland MUTCD and QGTTM take precedence over the Australian Standard and the Austroads Guide respectively, except where the Australian Standard or the Austroads Guide is 'accepted'.

Users must refer to the Queensland MUTCD and the relevant Australian Standards, and QGTTM and the relevant Austroads Guides, and where referenced within QGTTM and the relevant Austroads Guides or the Queensland MUTCD and the relevant Australian Standards, the Queensland Guide to Road Safety, the Queensland Guide to Temporary Traffic Management, the Queensland Guide to Traffic Management and equivalent Austroads Guides.

Non-commercial users can access Australian Standards for free, up to three times each year, via Standards Australia's Reader Room service. The platform is not intended for regular users who need access to standards as part of their work, but to support the Australian community seeking occasional access for private use.

Austroads Guides are available for free, unlimited non-commercial use via individual login.

For contracts in place prior to 1 December 2021, the version and applicable Parts of the Queensland MUTCD and/or QGTTM specified in the tender, and then in the contract documents, apply for the duration of the project.

The legal support for this is detailed in the Transitional Guideline Approved Notice.

Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) resources

Last updated 20 December 2024