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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Information bulletins for drivers

Select from the links below to view the current information bulletins:

The below table outlines the information bulletins which have been most recently updated for drivers. A brief description of the reason for the update is also outlined. To obtain the current version of an information bulletin please see direct links above.

Latest changes

Date Information bulletin Description of change
July 2023 PT301 — Driver Authorisation Updated to reflect fee increase from 1 July 2023
July 2022 PT301 — Driver Authorisation Updated to reflect fee increase from 1 July 2022
February 2022
PT17 — Driver Authorisation — Effect of a Driver Disqualifying Offence Driver disqualifying offences updated
October 2021 PT17 — Driver Authorisation — Effect of a Driver Disqualifying Offence Category B driver disqualifying offence definition updated
July 2021 PT301 — Driver Authorisation Fee amounts have been updated. Information bulletins were updated to reflect fee changes
September 2020 PT17 — Driver Authorisation — Effect of a Driver Disqualifying Offence
PT301 — Driver Authorisation
New category A and category B driver disqualifying offences have been added.
Further clarification given on the booked hire/taxi driver authorisation descriptions
July 2020 PT301 — Driver Authorisation Fee amounts have been updated. Information bulletins were updated to reflect fee changes
January 2020 PT17 — Driver Authorisation — Effect of a Driver Disqualifying Offence
PT330 — Authorised Driver – Booked Hire and Taxi Display Card
The Category A, B and C driver disqualifying offence lists have been updated.
Change of name from "Authorised Queensland Taxi Driver Display Card" to "Authorised Driver – Booked Hire and Taxi Display Card".
It is an offence to display the card in any vehicle without holding booked hire/taxi driver authorisation
March 2019 PT301 — Driver Authorisation  Further clarification given on the booked hire/taxi driver authorisation descriptions
November 2018 PT333 — Driver licence Suspension for Personalised Transport Offences New information bulletin for drivers in the personalised transport industry (booked hire, taxi, limousine)
September 2018 PT301 — Driver Authorisation
PT307 — Driver Responsibilities
PT01 — Mutual recognition of interstate, territory and New Zealand Public Passenger Driver Authorities
PT16 — Driver Authorisation — Effect of a Driving History
PT17 — Driver Authorisation — Effect of a Driver Disqualifying Offence
PT18 — Reviews and Appeals Against Decisions
PT21 — Fatigue Management
PT209 — Driver Training (by Operators)
PT305 — Restricted Driver Authorisation for drivers
PT330 — The Authorised Queensland Taxi Driver Display Card
Information bulletins were updated to reflect changes to the legislation.
From 1 September 2018 there are 3 types of driver authorisation, Booked Hire/Taxi, General, Restricted (issued by community or courtesy transport operators)
September 2017 PT17—Driver Authorisation — Effect of a Driver Disqualifying Offence The list of driver disqualifying offences for driver authorisation has been updated
March 2017 PT 301—Driver authorisation for General Services
PT 302—Driver authorisation for Scheduled Services
PT 303—Driver authorisation for Booked Hire – Taxi
PT 308—Driver authorisation for Motorcycle Tourist
The driver authorisation information bulletins have been updated for consistency and to include information about e-reminders
Last updated 14 June 2024

Fee increase

On 1 July 2024, fees were frozen at their current level for 1 year to ease cost-of-living pressures for Queenslanders. Usually, fees increase each year due to indexation. The freeze will mean that fees will not increase on 1 July 2024 as they normally would.