Tackling driver distraction in Australia
If you use your phone illegally while driving, you're just as dangerous as a drink driver1.
Evidence shows that the use of mobile devices while driving is a significant contributor to driver distraction and is increasingly implicated in road crashes, casualties and fatalities.
We sought to address the issue of driver distraction through a large program of work including the National Summit on Driver Distraction in 2019.
Engaging stakeholders
It is the driver's decision to engage with a mobile phone device while driving, however, there are a number of elements that influence a driver’s decision. The following stakeholders were critical to take part in finding a solution:
- drivers and passengers
- educators and researchers
- telecommunications industry
- infrastructure planners
- mobile connectivity industry
- employers
- government regulators and enforcement bodies
- automotive industry
- insurance industry.
Develop a common purpose and shared responsibility for improving driver safety by actively involving stakeholders in developing more effective solutions for driver distraction.
Streams of work
Stakeholders were engaged across 4 separate yet inter-related streams of work:
- stakeholder engagement
- penalty regime
- technology solutions
- chain of responsibility.
Engaging stakeholders was critical for the development of innovative solutions to reduce distraction related crashes and casualties on Australian roads.
Key engagement activities included:
- stakeholder interviews
- workshops
- national 2-day summit
- request for information on emerging technology
- technology discovery days.
National roadmap on driver distraction key programs
Designing for a safer interaction
Focuses on the Human Machine Interface and designing safer interactions with devices while driving.
- evaluate Human Machine Interfaces
- develop a safer device design.
Mapping out the adoption of in-vehicle distraction mitigation technology
Focuses on increasing the availability and implementation of distraction mitigation technology through Australian Design Rules and ANCAP safety ratings.
- shape vehicle design rules
- work with technology vendors to highlight availability of after market technology
- ANCAP to refine incoming protocols
- work with manufacturers on product roadmaps.
Recognising the vehicle as a workplace
Focuses on working with employers and workplace health and safety regulators to improve employer approaches to driver distraction.
- application of Workplace Health and Safety Regulation
- insurance as a lever for corporate fleets
- develop and disseminate industry guidelines for workplaces.
Encouraging greater compliance through enforcement
Focuses on strengthening existing enforcement mechanisms through 3 levers - a redesign of current rules, enhancing detection initiatives and the ability to access and share crash and infringement data.
- evolve Australian Road Rules and corresponding penalties
- enhance detection, deterrence and offender management
- expand data access and sharing.
Changing driver behaviour
Focuses on innovative campaign and educational strategies to influence driver behaviour.
- Drive change through education and campaigns.
- Explore the use of infrastructure as a nudge tool.
- Lever open data as a nudge tool.
1. Strayer, D., Drews, F. and Crouch, D. (2006). ‘A comparison of the cell phone driver and the drunk driver.’ Human Factors 48(2): 381-91.
- Last updated 19 November 2022