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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Transport Network Security and Resilience

Increasing the security and resilience of our surface transport system

The Department of Transport and Main Roads in partnership with other entities, such as the Queensland Police Service, are accountable for surface transport security outcomes in Queensland, focussing on the security and resilience of Queensland’s transport system against an act of terrorism and other unlawful acts. 

The surface transport system is a potential target for terrorist activities or other unlawful acts because:

  • large numbers of people are concentrated at peak and predictable times
  • vehicles can be used as weapons or to transport weapons
  • goods or materials are carried by the surface transport system that could potentially cause widespread damage. 

National surface transport security arrangements

The department works with industry and local, state and federal government stakeholders to implement the objectives of the Intergovernmental Agreement on Surface Transport Security and the Queensland Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

Queensland’s transport security program

The best security outcomes are achieved when transport partners from across government and industry work together. Our transport security program therefore includes:

  • Information – We share information with surface transport owners and operators.
  • Regulation – We administer the Transport Security (Counter-Terrorism) Act 2008. Under this Act, a surface transport operation may be declared a Security-Identified Surface Transport Operation (SISTO). For more information, view the Transport Security (Counter-Terrorism) Act 2008 fact sheet.
  • Coordination – We facilitate a Transport Precinct Protection Program, which aims to strengthen security coordination, cooperation and communication between businesses located around major transport interchanges. 
  • Assistance – We develop guidance material to help protect support surface transport owners and operators against the threat of terrorism. 

Reporting suspicious activity

Australia’s current National Terrorism Threat Level is PROBABLE

The public should continue to exercise caution and report any suspicious incidents to the National Security Hotline by calling 1800 123 400. Life-threatening situations should be reported to the police by calling Triple Zero (000).

General, non-urgent criminal activity (past or present) can be reported to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or the Queensland Police Service on 131 444.


Contact Transport Network Security and Resilience by email: [email protected] 

Last updated 8 August 2024