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Department of Transport and Main Roads

National Disability Insurance Scheme

About the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will transform the way Queenslanders with disability are supported and change the way disability services are funded and delivered.

Under the scheme, Queenslanders with disability will have choice and control over how they access support and who delivers them. They will also have certainty that they will be supported throughout their lifetime to achieve their personal goals. 

The Australian and Queensland Governments recently signed a Bilateral Agreement, which outlines when the NDIS will be available in each Queensland region over the 3-year transition period.

The NDIS will have an effect on some of our programs.

School Transport Assistance Program for Students with Disability

Students with disability will continue to receive transport assistance to travel to and from school when the NDIS is introduced in Queensland.

The NDIS will not disrupt existing services for eligible students. The Queensland Government will also continue to provide school transport assistance for students with disability who are NOT eligible to receive funding via the NDIS.

For more information about the School Transport Assistance Program, and to check your eligibility, visit the Education and Training website.

Taxi Subsidy Scheme—extended to 31 October 2025

The Queensland Government has extended the Taxi Subsidy Scheme (TSS) membership for NDIS eligible members to 31 October 2025. This will allow more time to resolve transport support arrangements under the Commonwealth's NDIS.

You can find more information about the Taxi Subsidy Scheme and your eligibility

Disability parking permit scheme

No changes will be made to the Disability parking permit scheme when the NDIS is introduced in Queensland. Current arrangements for this scheme will be maintained. 

You can find more information on this scheme, and check your eligibility, on the Queensland Government website

Public transport concessions for people with disability

There will be no change to concessions on public transport for people with disability when the NDIS is introduced in Queensland. TransLink will continue to ensure concessions are provided for disabled persons travelling on public transport in Queensland when the NDIS is introduced.

You can find more information about public transport concessions for people with disability, and check your eligibility, on the Translink website.

More information about the NDIS

You can find out more about the NDIS via:

  • the NDIS website 
  • the Queensland NDIS e-newsletter 
  • the NDIS hotline on 1800 800 110 available Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm. 
    • For people with hearing or speech loss call TTY 1800 555 677
    • For speak and listen 1800 555 727
    • For people who need help with English call TIS 131 450.

For information about current services for Queenslanders with disability, visit the Queensland Government website or call 13 QGOV (137 468).

Last updated 13 September 2023