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Department of Transport and Main Roads

How do I access information?

The Department of Transport and Main Roads is committed to providing the community with open and transparent access to information about its services and activities across all our divisions including TransLink and Maritime Safety Queensland.

Our website and the Transport and Motoring section of the Queensland Government website contains various publications and pages detailing our services and business operations, many of which are accessible via our publication scheme. The publication scheme is designed to act as 'route maps' to assist people to find key information which the department routinely publishes.

If you have not been able to locate the particular information/service you are after via the published information section, you may wish to contact us to discuss your particular enquiry.

While the department provides much information to the community about its activities, if you have been unable to obtain access to information through the publication scheme or by talking to the department, you may wish to make an application under the Right to Information Act 2009. The Right to Information Act 2009 provides a formal means of obtaining documents held by government.

Prior to lodging an application you may wish to talk to one of our RTI officers to discuss the type of information you are requesting. They can be contacted by phone on (07) 3066 7108 or by email to [email protected].

How to access documents

If you have been unable to obtain access to information through your normal departmental dealings, you may wish to make application under the Right to Information Act 2009.

You can submit an information access application using the e-RTI online form.

If the information you request is not related to your personal information, you must pay an application fee (refer to application form for details of the application fee). This fee must be paid before your application can be processed. You may also be charged for processing the application and for making copies of documents.

How to amend documents

Under the Information Privacy Act 2009 you may apply for an amendment to a document that contains your personal information, if that document contains information that is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading.

You can submit an application on the Information Privacy Personal Information Amendment Application form.

Your completed application should be sent to:
Director (RTI, Privacy and Complaints Management)
Department of Transport and Main Roads
GPO Box 1549
Phone: (07) 3066 7108
Email: [email protected]

Last updated 21 October 2024