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Department of Transport and Main Roads

QRSTUV: Guide to Speed Management


The Queensland Road Safety Technical User Volumes (QRSTUV): Guide to Speed Management is issued under the authority of Section 166 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995. The guidelines are considered as 'approved notices' under Section 166(2) of the Act. 

Information contained in the Queensland Manual of Uniform of Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) provides further guidance or requirements under the relevant Queensland MUTCD clauses, such as the design and standards for installing speed signs. A full outline of the Queensland MUTCD is available on the department's Queensland MUTCD webpage.

Queensland Road Safety Technical User Volumes (QRSTUV): Guide to Speed Management

The Queensland Road Safety Technical User Volumes (QRSTUV): Guide to Speed Management contains the methods and procedures in relation to setting speed limits, installed on the transport network.

Control of speed is an important aspect in effective and safe management of traffic. Involvement of speed-related factors in road crashes is well established and generally understood by road users.

Technical guidance

The Department of Transport and Main Roads' QRSTUV: Guide to Speed Management defines the approach used within Queensland to review and revise speed limits within the Queensland state-road network.

An amendment register records and outlines changes made in QRSTUV. 

How are speeds set in Queensland?

The procedure for determining a speed limit for a speed zone in Queensland is a nine-stage process outlined in Section 3 of the department's QRSTUV: Guide to Speed Management.

Broadly, the aim of the speed limit review process is to determine and implement a speed limit that appropriately balances the road environment, the function of the road and the safety of all road users such that speed limits are realistic, consistent and consequently encourage voluntary compliance.

Speed Limit Review Process

The Speed Limit Review tool is provided to assist road authorities undertaking a speed limit review.
Please ensure the tool is used in conjunction with the relevant technical guidance when conducting a speed limit review, including the Infrastructure Risk Rating (IRR) Manual and QRSTUV: Guide to Speed Management

In addition, a Desktop Review tool can be used to assist road authorities at stage 1 of the speed limit review.

Additional resources:

Please note that setting a speed limit is an engineering service pursuant to Queensland Professional Engineers Act 2002.

A demonstration of how to use the tool can be found in the demo video below. If you have any queries about the Speed Limit Review tool, please contact us via the email [email protected].


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Training resources

Introduction to Speed Management

The Introduction to Road Safety and Speed Management training course has been created as part of the Department of Transport and Main Roads' commitment to improving road safety across Queensland's road network.


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At the completion of this training, participants will:

Speed Management Training - Module 1

  • have an understanding of road safety challenges and opportunities in Queensland
  • have an understanding of the various documents that inform Queensland road safety policy and technical advice
  • have an understanding of the Safe System approach and the four pillars
  • have an awareness of the impact of speed on road safety outcomes
  • be able to identify the Speed Limit Review process
  • have an understanding of speed management activities including the different categories.

Speed Limit Training - Module 2

  • have an understanding of the legislative and operational documents that inform the speed limit setting process in Queensland
  • have an understanding of principles supporting the determination of speed limits in Queensland
  • have an understanding of the roles (and their responsibilities) involved in the Speed Limit Review process
  • have an understanding of the nine stages of the Speed Limit Review process.

Setting Speed Limits around Pedestrians and Cyclists

The Setting Speed Limits around Pedestrians and Cyclists online course has been created as part of the Department of Transport and Main Roads' commitment to improving road safety across Queensland's road network.

At the completion of the course, participants will:

  • be aware of the importance and benefits for the whole community of setting appropriate speed limits around people who walk or ride bikes
  • know how the speed limit review process considers people who walk and ride bikes
  • know what strategies they can implement to support speed limit recommendations.


Interested parties may register in upcoming workshops by emailing [email protected].


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Last updated 16 March 2024