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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Queensland Road Safety Technical User Volumes (QRSTUV): Guide to Schools


The Queensland Road Safety Technical User Volumes (QRSTUV): Guide to Schools is issued under the authority of Section 166 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995. The guidelines are considered as 'approved notices' under Section 166(2) of the Act. The design of, and the methods, standards and procedures in relation to every sign, signal, marking, light or device, which is contained in the guidelines are considered as Official Traffic Signs under and within the meaning of the Act. These devices are erected by the Department of Transport and Main Roads and local governments for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic on the road system in this state.

To find out more, contact your local road safety advisor.

Queensland Road Safety Technical User Volumes (QRSTUV): Guide to Schools

The Department of Transport and Main Roads' Queensland Road Safety Technical User Volumes (QRSTUV): Guide to Schools defines the approach used within Queensland to review and revise infrastructure related to schools within the Queensland state-road network.

The QRSTUV: Guide to Schools has been developed for use by road authorities. The guidelines outline the requirements for the use of traffic control devices around schools and provide details guidance on school road safety initiatives. Time of operation application forms are available below.

Technical guidance

Where there are conflicting provisions in the guidelines and the Queensland Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), the
QRSTUV: Guide to Schools takes precedence over the MUTCD. 

An amendment register records and outlines changes made in QRSTUV.

Safe school infrastructure planning

Queensland is a fast-growing state, with a strong demand for high quality transport facilities at existing and new schools. The Planning for Safe Transport Infrastructure at Schools technical guidance document assists in the design and provision of effective and safe transport infrastructure solutions at schools in Queensland. It provides examples of best practice and practical solutions for school transport infrastructure, such as ideal pedestrian and cycling end-of-trip facilities, set-down and pick-up layouts for public transport and private vehicles, and modal separation. TN207 Planning for Safe Transport Infrastructure at Schools - Bicycle Parking is to be read in conjunction with this guideline as it takes precedence over and replaces original content pertaining to bicycle parking provisions.

The guide can be applied to the refurbishment and upgrading of transport assets at existing schools as well as to the provision of infrastructure at new schools. It focuses on the provision of transportation system assets at and around schools, but the design process should identify operational issues and resource demands required during the operational life of the asset.

Children are at risk around school areas because they are small, can't be easily seen by drivers, are more prone to running, have difficultly judging vehicle speeds and gaps, and have poorer skills than adults.


Interested parties may register interest in upcoming workshops by emailing [email protected].


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Last updated 31 May 2023