Roadsides - road corridors and utilities
If you want to use the side of the road for work, commercial, recreational or community activities, you need the department’s approval.
Using the roadside? You need to see us, so we can see you!
The primary purpose of corridor management is to permit conditional use of roadsides (also known as road corridors), while ensuring a safe and efficient road network.
Aside from road users, there are a range of individuals and entities that enjoy a level of access to use, and install assets, in the road corridor with the department’s approval. This group ranges from flower sellers to major telecommunications and energy utilities. Activities and structures are diverse and can include the installation of letterboxes, cattle grids, gas pipelines and cane railways. Holding events, such as fun runs and meetings are also examples of use of the roadside.
Resources for utilities
Utilities that wish to access and install assets in the road network will need to comply with the technical requirements specified in TN163 Third Party Utility Infrastructure Installation in State Controlled Roads Technical Guidelines and installation requirements in the Third Party Utility Infrastructure Installation in State-Controlled Transport Corridors. Electricity, Gas, Sewerage or Water utilities must complete the F5165 - Installation of Utility Assets in State-Controlled Roads Application form to apply to install assets in the state-controlled road network. Some installations may also require a Traffic control permit. For more information please visit the Utilities site.
Structures and activities in the road corridor
Policy for the management of bee hives on state-controlled roads
Bee hives in state-controlled road corridors
Footpath dining on state-controlled roads
Footpath dining on state-controlled roads—self-assessment guide
Road corridor permit and or/agreement including information sheet
Roadside advertising manual
Roadside vending on state-controlled roads
Roadside vending on state-controlled roads—technical assessment guide
Roadside vending on state-controlled roads—fact sheet
Signs and advertising devices in state-controlled road corridors - when Transport and Main Roads approval is required
Special events (TRUM Volume 1, Part 9, Section 6.2-1). See also Events in Queensland: best practice guidelines.
Tourist or service signs
Traffic control permit
Not requiring a road corridor permit and/or agreement
Ancillary Works and encroachments in state-controlled road corridors - Exempt from TMR approval-factsheet
Election signs
Small electronic devices (<4m2) within school zones
Queen's baton relay signs in state-controlled road corridors - TMR approval NOT required-factsheet
Rest areas and stopping places
Roadside memorials
Gazette Notice: Ancillary Works and Encroachments Notice (No. 3) 2017 outlines further information on exempt activities.
Driveways and roadworks within a state-controlled road
Information on how and when to apply for a driveway or roadworks within a state-controlled road can be found here.
Hazard reduction burns within the state-controlled road corridor
Hazard reduction burns within the state-controlled road corridor has been developed jointly between Transport and Main Roads and QFES. It provides clarity on the process for obtaining approval from Transport and Main Roads to conduct a hazard reduction burn within the state-controlled road corridor and from QFES to light the fire for various scenarios, depending on who has requested and is responsible for the burn.
- Last updated 15 August 2022