Queensland Freight Strategy and Action Plan—Advancing Freight
Queensland's freight task continues to rise in response to increases in population, economy and demand for goods.
The Queensland Freight Strategy – Advancing Freight in Queensland, sets a shared vision for the state’s freight system, guiding policy, planning and investment decision making over the next ten years to give customers greater choice and support economic growth.
The Queensland Freight Strategy – Advancing Freight in Queensland is a 10-year strategy identifying 5 Shared Commitments that government and stakeholders will work collaboratively towards achieving. The Strategy has been developed in partnership with the Queensland Ministerial Freight Council and guides the rolling 2-year Queensland Freight Action Plan.
Download the Queensland Freight Strategy – Advancing Freight in Queensland.
Download the Queensland Freight Action Plan.
Regional freight plans
A key deliverable for the Queensland Freight Action Plan is the development of regional freight plans, in consultation with stakeholders, to identify and manage the freight needs of regional and remote communities and industries.
Regional freight plans will be integrated multi-modal plans that identify and prioritise freight network improvements (infrastructure and non-infrastructure) to support safer and more efficient movement of freight consistent with regional objectives and state-wide directions set out in the Queensland Freight Strategy and Queensland Freight Action Plan.
Regional freight plans will consider current and emerging freight demands including future resource and agricultural sector freight requirements; access and movement requirements for oversize over-mass and high productivity vehicles; first and last mile links; and the role of the of the region's ports, airports, rail terminals, and key freight routes.
The first regional freight plan is currently being developed for the North Queensland Region. Following completion of the North Queensland Regional Freight Plan, regional freight plans will be rolled out for the remaining regions across Queensland.
Contact the Freight project team
Email: [email protected]
Post: Transport Strategy and Planning
Department of Transport and Main Roads
GPO Box 1549
Brisbane Qld 4001
- Last updated 24 March 2023