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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Remote community freight contracts

The remote community freight contracts are targeted at reducing freight related cost of living pressures in communities that face disadvantage in terms of freight market competitiveness.

Communities include:

  • Northern Peninsula, Torres Strait and Gulf region
  • South West Queensland region

Northern Peninsula, Torres Strait and Gulf region

In the Northern Peninsula, Torres Strait and Gulf region, the funding package is being delivered through a Remote Communities Freight Assistance Scheme.

This scheme is being applied through a freight discount on purchases of eligible essential goods from participating retailers located within the community

Eligible essential goods include:

  • fruit and vegetables
  • meat and dairy
  • frozen goods
  • groceries

The scheme is being delivered by the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) from early 2024.

All businesses located within the Northern Peninsula, Torres Strait and Gulf region selling eligible essential goods are encouraged to apply to participate in the scheme.

Find out more about the scheme, including how to apply.

South West Queensland region

To assist with reducing the freight related costs of living pressures, we are currently implementing a new freight funding package to provide subsidised freight to communities on the Balonne Highway and Warrego Highway supply chain corridors through the local government areas of:

  • Balonne
  • Bulloo
  • Murweh
  • Paroo
  • Quilpie.

Following a competitive procurement process, the contract to provide subsidised freight services has been awarded to Queensland-based company, Pty Ltd.

TMR is engaging with Pty Ltd to continue to support and reduce the cost of freight movements to communities along the Warrego Highway and Balonne Highway supply chains.

Last updated 18 July 2024