Becoming an accredited rider trainer
Q-Ride is the primary training and assessment method in Queensland for people wishing to obtain a motorcycle licence.
Q-Ride accreditation is offered only as an additional authority where the person already has Queensland driver trainer accreditation for the motorcycle class and wishes to deliver training and assessment services either as a registered service provider or as an employee of a registered service provider.
Requirements to become an accredited rider trainer
The applicant must:
- have completed a Q-Ride Rider Trainer Curriculum Training course; and
- hold at least one of these qualifications:
- current driver trainer accreditation to provide driver training for a class R motorcycle; or
- all 3 units of competency below:
- TLIC0035—Apply low-risk motorcycle riding behaviours; and
- TLIM0013—Conduct motorcycle rider training; and
- TLIM0020—Develop low-risk motorcycle riding behaviours in others; or
- TLI41222—Certificate IV in Motor Vehicle Driver Training (Specialisation group C - Motorcycles)
- TLISS00234—Motorcycle Rider Training Skill Set; or
- TLI41421—Certificate IV in Transport and Logistics (Road Transport—Motorcycle Riding Instruction) will be accepted until 31 October 2023.
To apply
Complete a driver trainer and rider trainer application (F3948) and take it to your nearest transport and motoring customer service centre. There are no additional fees.
The application should be accompanied by:
- the applicant's current driver licence and/or industry authority
- certificate IV qualification (if this certificate has not been provided already to support a Driver Trainer Accreditation application)
- statements of attainment or certificates for required units of competency
- certificate of completion for Q-Ride Accredited Rider Trainer Curriculum Training.
If the application is approved, the applicant will be issued with a new industry authority card which must be produced for inspection if requested by the accredited person's employer, or a person for whom the accredited person is providing the relevant service.
If the applicant is signed up for e-reminders they will be sent an email:
- with their interim industry authority as evidence that they are authorised to perform the role until their industry authority card arrives in the mail
- when their industry card is posted
- 3 days before their industry authority is due to be renewed.
If your accreditation has lapsed by 3 months or more after the expiry date, you must reapply and meet new application requirements including the current training qualifications.
Accredited rider trainers are required to comply with the Statutory Accreditation Conditions for Accredited Driver and Rider Trainers as detailed in schedule 1 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Accreditation and Other Provisions) Regulation 2015, which includes compliance with the Code of Conduct.
A contravention of these conditions may result in the department amending, suspending or cancelling the person's accreditation.
- Last updated 14 August 2023