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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Minor Infrastructure Contract (MIC)

When to use Minor Infrastructure Contract (MIC)

A Minor Infrastructure Contract may be used instead of the TIC for simple and low risks works.

Typical examples of low-risk projects include:

  • supply and placement of hot mix asphalt
  • resealing projects (cart, heat and spray bitumen and spread aggregate) 
  • minor intersection works including traffic signal installations
  • installation of noise amelioration devices
  • installation of guardrail
  • roadside landscaping, and
  • simple pavement rehabilitation works.

The above examples are for situations where traffic volumes are relatively low such as rural environments.  It may be more appropriate to use a TIC form of contract in urban areas where traffic volumes are higher (subject to an appropriate risk assessment).

The Minor Infrastructure Contract (MIC) suite consists of:

Related document

The Bitumen Price Index charts the average general market (gate) price of C170 Bitumen as at the 15th day of each month.

Last updated 31 July 2024