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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Superseded - 3 Roadworks Drainage Culverts and Geotechnical

MRTS03 Drainage, Retaining Structures and Protective Treatments:

MRTS04 General Earthworks:

MRTS06 Reinforced Soil Structures:

MRTS14 Road Furniture:

MRTS14A Road Furniture (Steel Work):

MRTS15 Noise Fences:

MRTS16 Landscape and Revegetation Works:

MRTS16A Vegetation Protection Works:

MRTS16B Vegetation Ground Works:

MRTS16C Vegetation Works:

MRTS16D Hardscape Works:

MRTS16E Establishment and Monitoring Works:

MRTS24 Manufacture of Precast Concrete Culverts:

MRTS25 Manufacture of Precast Concrete Pipes:

MRTS26 Manufacture of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Drainage Pipes:

MRTS27 Geotextiles Separation and Filtration:

MRTS28 Contractor's Site Facilities and Camp:

MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation:

MRTS46 Skid Resistant Friction Coating for Steel Road Plates:

MRTS51 Environmental Management:

MRTS52 Erosion and Sediment Control:

MRTS55 Use of Explosive in Roadworks:

MRTS100 High Strength Geosynthetic Reinforcement in Road Embankments:

MRTS140 Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD):

MRTS141 Microtunnelling and Pipe Jacking:

MRTS142 Thrust Boring and Auger Boring:

Last updated 31 July 2024