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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Maintenance dredging of Queensland ports

Maintenance dredging involves the removal of sediments that have built up in existing channels, berths, approaches, and associated swing basins. It is a vital component of operations in most Queensland ports.

Maintenance dredging is different to capital dredging, which involves the excavation of previously undisturbed areas of seabed to expand or create new shipping channels, berths or swing basins.

The Queensland Ports Association, the peak industry body representing all Queensland port authorities, prepares an annual review of the outcomes of the maintenance dredging program. This includes environmental performance, timelines, volumes, evaluation of dredge material disposal options and placement locations, and outcomes of monitoring. The results of the annual review are incorporated into the dredging schedule for the following year.

The schedule for maintenance dredging is prepared by the Queensland Ports Association the year prior to maintenance dredging activities commencing. The Schedule is based on information provided by individual ports and the dredge operator.

Schedule for maintenance dredging of Queensland ports

Annual reviews of maintenance dredging of Queensland ports

Last updated 6 June 2024