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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Western Ipswich Bypass


The Western Ipswich Bypass runs between the Warrego Highway at Haigslea, through Walloon and Amberley, to the Cunningham Highway at Willowbank.

Western Ipswich Bypass map 


In 1999, the then Department of Main Roads commissioned independent consultants Sinclair Knight Merz to undertake the Western Ipswich Bypass Study. This was to help the state government decide whether to preserve a road corridor between the Warrego and Cunningham highways.

This study is complete. Transport and Main Roads is working with Ipswich City Council to ensure that future developments do not compromise the corridor identified for the future road. You can view the planned route of the bypass in the attached map.

The study was conducted in four stages:

  • Stage 1: needs investigation: showed the need for a road between the Warrego and Cunningham highways and that further investigation was required. The perceived need was based on a requirement for through traffic between the two highways and future urban and industrial growth to the west of the Ipswich City centre.
  • Stage 2: identification of corridor options: identified three broad corridor options for the proposed road. Potential issues and impacts on the community, business and the social and natural environment associated with each option were assessed.
  • Stage 3: corridor analysis: identified the preferred corridor for the proposed Western Ipswich Bypass as west of Walloon with a northern alignment east of Haigslea. The analysis found that the corridor option west of Walloon had the potential to provide the best overall outcome.
  • Stage 4: Impact Assessment Study (IAS): involved a detailed investigation of the preferred corridor option and was completed in October 2002.

Contact details

Email: [email protected]
Last updated 13 July 2022