Image: Walkerston Bypass. Shows construction on the Walkerston Bypass (Keilbachs Road overpass). Yuwibura People.

Mackay Whitsunday

Key facts

 Icon of Queensland with a circle around it


Area covered by location1

 Icon of a group of stick figures standing together. with a circle around it


Population of Queensland1

 Icon of a straight road with a circle around it


Other state-controlled road network

 Icon of a windy road with a circle around it


National Land Transport Network2

Icon of a train front on with a circle around it


National rail network2

Program Highlights

Our top investments include:

  • $497.4 million Mackay Ring Road (Stage 1) (jointly funded with the Australian Government).
  • $470 million Bruce Highway (Mackay - Proserpine) O'Connell River to Proserpine (Goorganga Floodplain), upgrade flood immunity (jointly funded with the Australian Government).
  • $350 million funding commitment for Mackay Port Access, Bruce Highway to Mackay - Slade Point Road (Stage 1) (jointly funded with the Australian Government).
  • $39.7 million Proserpine - Shute Harbour Road, Paluma Road to Valley Drive (Cannonvale), duplicate to four lanes (jointly funded with the Australian Government).
  • $34 million Proserpine - Shute Harbour Road, Valley Drive to Tropic Road (Cannonvale), duplicate to four lanes.
  • $30 million Bruce Highway (Mackay - Proserpine), Goorganga overtaking lanes (jointly funded with the Australian Government).
  • $24 million Proserpine - Shute Harbour Road, Hamilton Plains, flood immunity upgrade (jointly funded with the Australian Government).
  • $20 million May Downs Road, pave and seal (jointly funded with the Australian Government).
  • $18 million Saraji Road, Phillips Creek, replace bridge (jointly funded with the Australian Government).
  • $15 million Bruce Highway (Mackay - Proserpine), Goorganga Plains, plan and preserve (jointly funded with the Australian Government).

Investments (interactive)

You can view the list of investments for the Mackay Whitsunday area via the QTRIP interactive tool or in the QTRIP PDF.


Map of the Mackay and Whitsunday District


1 Data source: Queensland Government Statistician's Office (Queensland Treasury), Queensland Regional Profiles., retrieved 16 April 2024.

2 The detailed mapping reflects the latest National Land Transport Network (NLTN) Determination 2020 as published.

Reflects QTRIP 2023–24 to 2026–27.