Queensland Road Safety Forums
The Queensland Government and the Australian state, territory and federal governments have agreed to a vision of zero road deaths in Australia by 2050. There is no single solution to eliminating road trauma. The Queensland Government is working with a wide range of stakeholders to advise on how to improve the safety of roads and roadsides and promote safer speeds, vehicles and behaviours.
The Queensland Government regularly holds road safety events to gather data and ideas for road safety. Participants typically include members of the community, representatives from key industry and community organisations, research institutions, government agencies and peak bodies representing road user groups.
Queensland road safety events inform the development of Queensland road safety strategies, action plans and other initiatives.
How to get involved
When it comes to road safety, we all have a role to play. To see how you can get involved and take action to reduce the impact of road trauma on our communities visit StreetSmarts.
Ministerial Road Safety Roundtable
24 January 2023
The Roundtable provided an opportunity for the Minister to hear ideas from road user advocacy groups, road operators and academics regarding road safety in Queensland following the devastating loss of life in 2022. Key issues, ideas and discussions were grouped under the broad themes of education, infrastructure, road user behaviour, enforcement and other. Following investigation, these ideas may help shape our approach to road safety.
Queensland Road Safety Week Forums
Ipswich: 22 August and Cairns: 26 August 2022
The Road Safety Forums held in Ipswich and Cairns during the Queensland Road Safety Week brought relevant stakeholders together to discuss local road safety issues and brainstorm opportunities for improvement. Learnings from these forums will be incorporated into our school-based program delivery.
Safer roads, safer Queensland—Forum 7—Brisbane
18 May 2021
The seventh forum focused on the development of the next Queensland Road Safety Strategy 2022–31. A broad range of stakeholders were invited to attend, including those outside the traditional transport sector. A draft strategic framework was presented, and delegates participated in breakout groups to discuss the framework and generate ideas for the first action plan under the new strategy.
Safe road use as we age—Regional road safety forum—Bundaberg
28 August 2019
Participants discussed the key road safety issues affecting older road users in the Bundaberg/North Burnett local government areas. Their feedback supports the Queensland Road Safety Action Plan 2020–21 and will inform development of the next road safety strategy.
Regional road safety forum—Roma
28 August 2019
Delegates participated in a future-focused workshop for stakeholders on road safety issues in the Maranoa Region. This was followed by an open forum for community members. All feedback will inform the development of the next road safety strategy.
Regional road safety forum—Cairns
27 August 2019
Delegates participated in a future-focused workshop on road safety issues affecting the Cairns Region. Their feedback will inform the development of the next road safety strategy.
Safer roads, safer Queensland—Forum 6
16 July 2019
The event was held at Parliament House and gathered more than 70 representatives from industry, government, research organisations, peak bodies and the community. It was designed to build on the forums held in Townsville and Toowoomba in 2018 and Maryborough and Rockhampton in 2019. Discussion focused on 3 key themes raised by stakeholders in these forums:
- whole of life education
- sharing the road
- speed.
This feedback further informed development of the Queensland Road Safety Action Plan 2020–21.
All roads, all road users—Regional road safety forum—Rockhampton
14 June 2019
Participants discussed the key road safety issues affecting the Fitzroy district and possible solutions. This feedback informed development of the Queensland Road Safety Action Plan 2020–21.
All roads, all road users—Regional road safety forum—Maryborough
27 May 2019
Participants discussed the key road safety issues affecting the Wide Bay Burnett district and possible solutions. Their feedback informed development of the Queensland Road Safety Action Plan 2020–21.
Regional road safety forum—Toowoomba
26 September 2018
Participants in this forum discussed potential short and longer-term solutions to the key road safety issues in their region.
Regional road safety forum—Townsville
30 August 2018
This forum was held in Townsville as part of Queensland Road Safety Week and focused on seatbelt use. Ideas generated focused on communication, engagement and experiments. Seatbelts: Let's make it click identifies actions being implemented or further investigated.
Safer roads, safer Queensland—Forum 5
28 February 2018
Vulnerable road users and driver distraction were the focus of the fifth Safer Roads, Safer Queensland Forum held at Parliament House. Initiatives identified at the forum will build on those already outlined in Queensland's Road Safety Action Plan 2017–19.
Safer roads, safer Queensland—Forum 4
5 December 2016
The primary focus of the fourth forum was how to reduce and eliminate the number of people seriously injured on Queensland roads. The ideas generated at the forum informed the development of the next 2 year road safety action plan. Read the key themes and summary of the fourth Safer roads, safer Queensland forum.
Safer roads, safer Queensland—Forum 3
9 February 2016
The third forum gathered members together to focus on drink and drug driving in Queensland.
Safer roads, safer Queensland—Forum 2
24 August 2015
The second forum was held after Queensland Road Safety Week at Parliament House, to launch the new Safer roads, safer Queensland: Queensland's Road Safety Strategy 2015-21 and Action Plan 2015-17 and discuss their implementation.
Safer roads, safer Queensland—Forum 1
10 April 2015
The Queensland Government held the first Safer roads, safer Queensland forum at Parliament House. The forum was the first step in a holistic approach to improve safety on Queensland's vast road network following the tragic loss of life on the road over the Easter 2015 long weekend. Read the key themes and summary of the first Safer roads, safer Queensland forum. Community members were also invited to provide input.
Citizens' task force
As a commitment of Queensland's Road Safety Action Plan 2015-17, in late 2015 the department convened a Citizens task force made up of 25 randomly recruited Queenslanders to consider if incentives could help improve driver safety, including for young people.
The group included young drivers, parents of young drivers, experienced drivers and people who have commercial driving experience. Members came from the greater Brisbane area, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Bundaberg, Mackay, Rockhampton, Cairns and Townsville.
The Citizens' task force independently developed and submitted its report Incentives to improve road safety to the Queensland Government. The government's response and planned actions are contained in its report Response to the 2015 Citizens' task force report: Incentives to improve road safety.
- Last updated 14 August 2023