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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Strategy and action plans

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Queensland Road Safety Strategy 2022-31

The Queensland Government is committed to reducing the burden of road trauma on our communities. Nothing is more important than the safety of the people who travel on the state's vast road network.

The Queensland Road Safety Strategy 2022-31 takes a bold new approach to road safety by taking on the complex social factors that play out on our roads. Road safety is a preventative public health issue that needs urgent attention, and this strategy aims to expand our thinking beyond the traditional transport sector. We will tackle these unique issues at the local level by building partnerships with new stakeholders across government and in our communities.

The strategy leverages new technologies and data, while continuing to support road safety interventions that are proven to work, such as strong deterrence, enforcement and education programs, and improved road safety infrastructure treatments. Together, these initiatives will set Queensland on a path to achieving our vision of zero serious road trauma by 2050.

In alignment with the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30, this strategy sets targets for Queensland to reduce fatalities by 50% and serious injuries by 30% by 2031. These are:

  • reduce fatalities from 248 (average 2018-2020) to 124 or fewer
  • reduce hospitalised casualties from 6,938 (average 2018-2020) to 4,856 or fewer.

Development of the strategy was informed through:

  • community consultation undertaken at regional forums held across Cairns, Bundaberg and Roma during Queensland Road Safety Week 2019
  • targeted engagement with key stakeholders and Queensland Government departments on a draft strategic framework in early 2021
  • breakout sessions at the seventh Safer roads, safer Queensland forum.

Queensland Road Safety Action Plan 2022-24

The Queensland Road Safety Action Plan 2022–24 is the first action plan launched under the strategy. The action plan outlines 20 initiatives that will be implemented over the next 3 years.

The actions are aligned with the priority areas outlined in the strategy:

  • roads and roadsides
  • places and spaces
  • individuals
  • communities.

Development of the action plan was informed through consultation with key stakeholders and Queensland Government departments from July to September 2021.

In July 2021, we hosted a cross-agency workshop with representatives from across the Queensland Government. This workshop built on the findings from the Safer roads, safer Queensland forum and identified potential actions for the first action plan.

In October 2021, we held a community collaboration initiative which focused on how we can work together with everyday Queenslanders to create a safer culture on our roads. These findings were integrated into the final action plan.

Queensland Road Safety Research and Evaluation Framework

The Queensland Road Safety Strategy 2022-31 will be supported by the Queensland Road Safety Research and Evaluation Framework. The purpose of the framework is to ensure that a strategic, future-focused approach to research and evaluation is combined with a responsive and evidence-based implementation of road safety initiatives.

The framework will act as an enabler and connector for progressing the priorities identified in the strategy and associated action plans by building and maintaining strategic research partnerships at the state and national level, with the purpose of increasing efficiency, reducing duplication, and promoting innovation.

Implementation of the framework will be overseen by the Road Safety and Injury Prevention Research and Advisory Group. This group will be made up of key government road safety partners and will ensure road safety issues are considered from multiple perspectives.

The group will support identification and pursuit of applied research relevant to addressing road safety and injury-prevention priorities in Queensland that can be translated into tangible, evidence-based policy solutions and outcomes.

Queensland State of Road Safety Report

A 'Queensland State of Road Safety Report' will be released at the end of each action plan period. The report will track key data on road safety trends and report on progress towards the strategy's objectives and the 2031 targets.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads will be the lead agency responsible for coordinating the reports.

Last updated 11 December 2023