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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Queensland Walking Strategies

The Queensland Walking Strategy 2019–2029 sets the direction to make walking an easy choice for everyone, every day over the next 10 years. To achieve this, we have developed Queensland’s first walking strategy with 4 priority areas: 

  1. Planning for walkable communities and places
  2. Building connected, comfortable and safe walking environments for all
  3. Encouraging more people to walk as part of their 'everyday'
  4. Working together to deliver for walking.

The strategy includes a 2-year action plan and report on the state of walking in Queensland.

Queensland Walking Action Plan

The Action Plan for Walking 2022–2024 lists the practical actions we need to do to create more walkable communities and encourage more walking.

The action plan is updated every 2 years and this is the second plan under the Queensland Walking Strategy 2019–2029.

The Action Plan for Walking 2022–2024 builds on the progress made through the delivery of 44 actions under the first action plan.

Follow our progress delivering actions from our action plans.

Read a summary of our achievements from the Action Plan for Walking 2019–2021.

Walking in Queensland Report 2019

The Walking in Queensland Report 2019 shares key data on walking in Queensland and reports on our progress under the 4 objectives of the Queensland Walking Strategy 2019–2029.

Every 2 years, we will publish a new 2-year action plan and update progress towards achieving the vision to make walking an easy choice for everyone, every day. 

Last updated 03 May 2024