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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Queensland Transport Strategy

To prepare for the exciting changes happening in the transport sector, the Department of Transport and Main Roads released the Queensland Transport Strategy

Our 30-year vision detailed in this strategy shows how we plan to harness emerging transport trends to continue to move people and products safely and efficiently into the future.

Structured around 5 high-level customer outcomes, the strategy will move us towards a transport industry which will be cost effective, safer and more reliable, where innovation can thrive and benefits are experienced across the community.

The 5 outcomes are: 

  1. Accessible, convenient transport
  2. Safe journeys for all
  3. Seamless, personalised journeys
  4. Efficient, reliable and productive transport for people and goods
  5. Sustainable, resilient and liveable communities. 

Please view the document: Queensland Transport Strategy.

Cover image of Draft Queensland Transport Strategy

Last updated 23 July 2021