Key terms

Key terms used throughout the Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program publication include:

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Black Spot Program: An Australian Government funded minor capital works program that aims to improve the safety of the national, state and local road networks through the implementation of high-benefit, cost-effective, engineering countermeasures and safety treatments that target known and potential high severity (fatalities and serious injuries) crash sites at specific locations.

Camera Detected Offence Program: Comprises of funds collected through speed and red light, unregistered/uninsured, dangerous goods in tunnels, mobile phone and seatbelt offence camera fines. The distribution of funds collected from camera detected offences is restricted by the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995. This requires that all money collected for penalties imposed for camera-detected offences, in excess of the administrative costs, be used for specific road safety purposes. This includes funding to improve the safety of the sections of state-controlled roads where crashes happen most frequently.

Camera Detected Offence Program funds are used as a partial source of funding for the Safer Roads Sooner Program and a number of other safety-related special initiatives.

Cape York Region Package: A jointly funded initiative between the Australian Government and Queensland Government to upgrade critical infrastructure on the Cape York Peninsula. This program provides improved access to Cape York; improved safety, reduced ongoing road maintenance costs and improved community infrastructure; and employment, training and business development opportunities for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.

Construction works: Works that enhance or add to the value of a transport infrastructure asset. This includes providing new formation, drainage structures and pavements where none previously existed; upgrading the existing asset by realigning roads, constructing bridges, improving intersections and installing traffic signals, and widening works.

Corridor and minor safety enhancements: Works to improve the safety and environment of the network. This includes improved intersections, roadsides, signage, delineation, pedestrian and fauna facilities.

Corridor, roadway and structures management: Funding for miscellaneous asset management provisions such as inspection of structures, improvements to environmental areas and data collection.

Cycle Network Grants: A program which provides funding to local governments to accelerate delivery of the principal cycle network. Funding is mostly provided on a dollar-for-dollar matched basis (50%). The program is publicly known as the Cycle Network Local Government Grants program.

Cycling infrastructure: The department plans, constructs, operates and also provides grants to local governments for cycling facilities across the state, including dedicated cycle paths and on-road bike lanes. Funding is targeted at the state-wide delivery of high priority routes on the principal cycle network on state and local roads.

Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements: A joint funded initiative between the Australian Government and Queensland Government to repair and restore state-controlled road network damaged by natural disasters to their pre-disaster level of service.

Funding Commitment: An allocation of funding towards either a partially or fully funded initiative; a program of works with specific investments to be prioritised; or a specific project to progress planning and/or preconstruction activities to confirm finalised scope and detailed cost estimates.

High Risk Roads Initiative: An approach that aims to identify high risk routes and their associated safety risks and develop route-based solutions that maximises the road safety benefit achieved, based on value for money, and providing a consistent user experience. The deliverables identified by the produced Options Analysis and Business Case development for each High-Risk Road proposal are prioritised with funding provided under the Targeted Road Safety Program.

Local Government Transport Development: Financial assistance provided to local governments for works on local government roads and other transport related infrastructure.

Local government-controlled roads: Local government-controlled roads are owned, managed and operated by local governments across Queensland. State controlled roads and franchised roads, such as toll roads, are not local government-controlled roads.

Local Network: The network categorisation for local government-controlled roads and other local government transport infrastructure.

Local Roads of Regional Significance (LRRS): Lower-order state-controlled roads and higher-order local government-controlled roads performing a similar function.

Major Project Business Case Fund: An Australian Government initiative that provides funding towards planning and business case development of future major land transport infrastructure projects with clear strategic merit.

Maritime infrastructure: Includes boat ramps, pontoons, jetties, floating walkways, dredging works and navigation aids, which are managed and operated by the department.

Mode: The type of transport infrastructure used to connect people, places and services. Modes of transport infrastructure include road, rail, active transport, maritime, bus infrastructure, multi-modal infrastructure and other options.

National Land Transport Network (National Network): A defined network of nationally significant road and rail infrastructure links and their intermodal connections. The network is determined by the Australian Government under the National Land Transport Act 2014.

Natural disaster: A natural disaster is one or a combination of the following rapid onset events – bushfire, earthquake, flood, storm surge, landslide, tsunami, meteorite strike or tornado. Funds may be provided by the Australian Government and Queensland Government to reinstate parts of the transport network which have been subject to disaster damage under declared emergency conditions.

Natural Disaster Resilience Program (betterment projects): Betterment works to improve the resilience of disaster-damaged essential public assets and mitigate against future damage. Projects meeting certain funding criteria are joint funded (50:50) by the Australian Government and Queensland Government.

Other state-controlled roads: Roads controlled by the Queensland Government, other than those on the National Land Transport Network.

Outback Way: A 2,720km route that traverses Central Australia, connecting Laverton in Western Australia with Winton in Queensland via Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. The condition of the route varies, with sections of unsealed, single lane seal and dual lane seal of differing standards and quality.

Programmed maintenance: Scheduled replacement of the road surface, including resealing and asphalt overlaying up to 75mm thick. These activities are forecast and planned using engineering and pavement management techniques.

Public Private Partnership: A contract between the public and private sectors, where the government pays the private sector to deliver infrastructure and related services over the long-term. The private provider builds the facility and operates and/or maintains it to specified standards over a long period. The private provider usually finances the project.

Queensland Beef Corridors: A joint funded initiative between the Australian Government and Queensland Government to the upgrading and sealing of heavy vehicle corridors in Queensland that are critical to the Australian beef industry.

Queensland Transport Strategy (QTS): The Queensland Transport Strategy provides a 30-year vision to transform the state's transport system, to respond to customer preferences, global trends and emerging technologies, helping steer investment.

Regional Roads and Transport Group (RRTG): The primary decision-making bodies of the Roads and Transport Alliance. There are 17 RRTGs across the state that determine regionally prioritised improvements to their communities' transport infrastructure. Each RRTG comprises representatives from TMR and local governments. RRTGs take into consideration the economic, social, environmental and geographic characteristics of a region, which serves to influence the planning, investment strategies and management of the regional roads and transport network.

Regional Transport Plans (RTP): Developed in partnership with local governments, the RTPs provide guidance for the development of the transport system across all areas of the state and satisfy the objectives of the Transport Coordination Plan while maintaining consistency with the State Infrastructure Strategy.

Rehabilitation: Activities that replace or restore the pavement or bridge to its original condition for both surface and structural components, at the existing width and on the existing formation.

Remote Roads Upgrade Pilot Program: An Australian Government initiative that targets road improvements for regional communities, and addresses significant deficiencies on key regional and rural roads that limit community access, pose safety risks and impact the economic development of the surrounding area.

Road Safety Minor Works: A minor works program that distributes funding to respond to emerging local road safety needs.

Road Safety Program: A joint funded initiative between the Australian Government and Queensland Government that targets road safety treatments to reduce the risk of fatal and serious injury road crashes across four key streams: regional roads; remote roads; urban roads; and footpaths and cycleways.

Routine maintenance: Day-to-day maintenance of road infrastructure assets to ensure the safe operational condition of the network and to reduce its rate of deterioration.

Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program: An Australian Government initiative which provides funding for projects to address emerging priorities in road infrastructure needs across Australia. This program consolidates the previous Australian Government's Bridge Renewal Program and Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program.

Safer Roads Sooner: A minor capital works program that aims to improve the safety of the state-controlled road network through the implementation of high-benefit cost-effective, engineering countermeasures and safety treatments that target known and potential high severity (fatalities and serious injuries) crash sites at specific locations.

School Transport Infrastructure Program: Provides funding to improve the safety and operation of schools through new or improved infrastructure at the school and/or on the surrounding road network.

State-controlled roads: Roads declared to be controlled by TMR, including the National Land Transport Network. Toll roads are not state-controlled roads, rather they are operated by franchisees.

Statewide program: Includes funding commitments that cross regional/district boundaries that will be prioritised and allocated to specific areas over time. Also includes investments that cross regional/district boundaries and investments delivered on a statewide basis.

State Infrastructure Strategy (SIS): Outlines the Queensland Government's strategic direction for the planning, investment and delivery of infrastructure in Queensland. It includes a framework to plan and prioritise sustainable infrastructure investment and delivery, demonstrating the government's commitment to addressing the state's infrastructure needs in a timely and cost-effective way, while working within current funding constraints.

State Network: The network categorisation for other state-controlled roads and other state-owned transport infrastructure. Excludes the National Land Transport Network which is categorised under National Network.

Strategic Plan 2023–2027: TMR's four-year strategic planning document that provides the shorter-term view and strategic direction of the department. The plan's five key priority areas are Safe, Responsive, Efficient, Sustainable and Accessibility. The plan ensures that the department is able to anticipate and respond to the increasing customer demands.

Targeted Road Safety Program: A program with a number of jointly funded initiatives dedicated to the delivery of high-benefit safety interventions and route-based treatments to support safer roads and roadsides.

Traffic management enhancements: Provision of both active and passive intelligent transport and traffic management treatments including, but not limited to, traffic monitoring, traveller information and traffic signalling. This program also includes road lighting enhancements.

Traffic operations: The use of tools and techniques such as traffic signals, congestion management, incident management and traveller information systems to provide road user services with a major focus on real-time operation.

Transport Coordination Plan 2017–2027: Provides the overarching framework for strategic planning and management of transport resources in Queensland, as required by the Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994. The Transport Coordination Plan identifies 5 objectives to help achieve TMR's vision: customer experience and affordability, community connectivity, efficiency and productivity, safety and security and environment and sustainability.

Transport Infrastructure Act 1994: This legislation ensures the Queensland Government has strategic oversight over the provision and operation of all transport infrastructure. The Act establishes a regime under which a safe and effective system of roads, miscellaneous transport infrastructure, rail, ports, air, public maritime transport, buses and light rail is planned and managed effectively.

Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme (TIDS): The grants program through which TMR provides funding to local governments, for the development of transport related infrastructure.

Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994: This legislation establishes a regime under which overall transport effectiveness and efficiency is ensured through strategic planning and management of transport resources.

Vulnerable Users: This program treats state-controlled network locations with safety issues specifically related to cyclists, pedestrians and motorcyclists.

Reflects QTRIP 2023–24 to 2026–27.