Passenger transport infrastructure
Passenger transport is an essential part of Queensland's transport system, enabling large numbers of people access to key centres of employment, education, health and essential services, and to each other. We work closely with our delivery partners to provide an accessible, integrated and efficient passenger transport network across rail, light rail, bus, tram and ferry services.
Queensland Rail manages and maintains approximately 6,600km of track in Queensland (mainline only, excludes sidings, passing loops and yards).
The department is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the rail network and works in collaboration with Queensland Rail to deliver key infrastructure investment and network improvements to ensure that the rail network provides safe, reliable, and accessible passenger and freight transport.
The Rail Transport Services Contracts between the department and Queensland Rail supports effective passenger and regional freight rail services as well as funding for maintenance, asset renewals and upgrading of rail assets such as track, bridges, signalling equipment, stations and rollingstock.
Gold Coast Light Rail is Queensland's only light rail infrastructure service. It is currently 20.3km in length, has 19 stations and 18 trams with bus connections at key activity centres. The light rail is a world class public transport system for residents and visitors to the Gold Coast.
We own, manage and operate 29km of busways across South East Queensland. Busways are an essential part of the integrated passenger transport network and provide dedicated road space to help improve bus journey times and reliability. The busways increase overall network capacity and facilitate more efficient movement of people across our network.
Other passenger transport infrastructure
We deliver a broad range of other statewide passenger transport infrastructure investments across the integrated public transport network which are aimed at supporting and enhancing passenger transport services for customers. These targeted infrastructure investments include stations and interchanges, bus priority including transitways, park 'n' ride expansion, bus stops, accessibility upgrades and signage and wayfinding improvements.
We own, manage, operate and maintain maritime infrastructure across Queensland, including state boat harbours and a ferry terminal (Nelly Bay, Magnetic Island). We fund, construct and maintain infrastructure including amenity blocks, car and car trailer parking, pile and buoy moorings, maintenance of recreational boating facilities including boat ramps, pontoons, jetties and floating walkways.
Other maritime infrastructure key service areas include dredging work and condition assessments, as well as the delivery of a statewide aid to navigation network which includes technical operations, maintenance and construction.
Bike riding is a flexible and efficient form of transport with direct economic, health and other benefits for individuals and for the community. Investment in building, upgrading and improving cycling infrastructure provides transport connections linking people to work, education, recreation and services. Responsibility for ongoing asset management lies with either the department or local governments, depending on the asset owner.
State-controlled road infrastructure
We manage and operate Queensland's state-controlled road network (33,412km in length), which is Queensland's largest publicly owned physical infrastructure asset.
The state-controlled road network consists of roads on the National Land Transport Network and other state-controlled roads. The state-controlled road network includes the major traffic carrying and linking roads across Queensland and lower order roads connecting regional and remote communities. These roads are used for a wide range of purposes, including freight, tourist trips, daily commutes, access to services and recreation.
National Land Transport Network (Queensland) – 5,052km
We own and control the operation and maintenance of the National Land Transport Network in Queensland. The National Land Transport Network is a network of land transport linkages of strategic national importance and is based on national and inter-regional transport corridors including connections through urban areas, links to ports and airports, rail, road and intermodal connections. These are of critical importance to national and regional economic growth, development and connectivity.
Other state-controlled roads (Queensland) – 28,360km
Other state-controlled roads in Queensland include 13,053km of Local Roads of Regional Significance and 15,307km of other state-controlled roads.
Local government-controlled road infrastructure
Local government-controlled roads are owned, managed and operated by various local governments across Queensland.
We manage the policy and legislative framework for toll roads in Queensland, under the provisions of the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994.
Declared toll roads include the Gateway Motorway, Logan Motorway, Clem7, Go Between Bridge, Legacy Way and AirportLinkM7. These toll roads are operated by Transurban Queensland under long term concession agreements with the Queensland Government or Brisbane City Council.
The Toowoomba Bypass is a toll road operated by Nexus Infrastructure for us under an availability style payment Public Private Partnership. Toll revenue is collected on behalf of the department by Transurban Queensland, trading as Linkt. Toll revenue contributes towards our payments for the operation and maintenance of Toowoomba Bypass.