Director-General message

The QTRIP 2024-25 to 2027-28 continues to deliver on our vision for creating a single integrated network accessible to everyone – our communities, businesses, and people across Queensland.

The QTRIP outlines a $37.4 billion investment over the next four years into Queensland's road and transport infrastructure across local, state and national networks.

The development of QTRIP is supported by:

  • State Infrastructure Strategy 2022-24, outlining the Queensland Government’s vision for infrastructure investment.
  • Shaping 2023, which outlines a long-term vision for supporting growth across South East Queensland.
  • Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) Regional Transport Plans, which guide the planning of an efficient and responsive transport system in Queensland over a 15-year horizon.

A key priority for our department is road safety and reducing the number of people injured or killed on Queensland roads. This QTRIP's four-year commitment of $1.892 billion for the department's Targeted Road Safety Program (including joint funding with the Australian Government) invests in high-benefit road safety infrastructure projects to reduce the impact of road trauma for all road users.

We also continue to work with local representatives and the Australian Government to deliver integrated education and training initiatives, such as the StreetSmarts Road Safety Education Platform, Community Road Safety Grants for community and school-based programs, and drink driving education programs.

The QTRIP 2024-25 to 2027-28 includes significant works as part of our Natural Disaster Program, which is jointly funded with the Australian Government via the Queensland Reconstruction Authority. TMR is committed to ensuring we react quickly when Queensland experiences severe and unprecedented events, and our responsive and coordinated efforts continue to help keep communities and industries connected, moving and safe.

Safe, reliable roads are the lifeblood of rural and regional communities and industry development. Funded in partnership with the Australian Government, we have commenced early works on the $1 billion commitment towards the Inland Freight Route between Charters Towers and Mungindi and the $500 million Queensland Beef Corridors, construction has started on the $1.73 billion Rockhampton Ring Road, while the $1.162 billion Bruce Highway Gympie bypass (Cooroy to Curra Section D) is well progressed.

Our far North will also get an increase in joint funding following the welcomed outcomes of the 2024-25 Federal Budget with investment in the Peninsula Developmental Road increasing from $190 million to $275.63 million. Through these works, we are connecting remote Cape York communities to greater economic and training opportunities and essential services.

The Roads and Transport Alliance continues with local governments, with an increased allocation to $75.95 million in 2024-25 invested in the Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme, which provides vital funding to local governments to deliver infrastructure improvements on road and transport networks across Queensland.

TMR continues to be affected by adverse global and local market conditions, and will continue to make program adjustments as needed, coupled with implementing initiatives to help manage cost-related risk, including: collaborative contracting; attracting, supporting, and retaining a sustainable workforce; investing in research and innovation; transitioning toward a circular economy; applying value-engineering to options assessments; and developing product and service procurement strategies.

TMR remains committed to ongoing collaboration with industry stakeholders, government and customers and will continue to deliver a sustainable program of important investments including:

  • Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail
  • Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line (Stage 1)
  • Beerburrum to Nambour Rail upgrade (Stage 1)
  • Rockhampton Ring Road
  • Coomera Connector (Stage 1)
  • Gateway Motorway, Bracken Ridge to Pine River upgrade
  • Bruce Highway (Coory to Curra) Section D
  • Inland Freight Route (Charters Towers to Mungindi)
  • Bruce Highway, Gateway Motorway to Dohles Rocks Road upgrade (Stage 1)
  • Pacific Motorway, Varsity Lakes (Exit 85) to Tugun (Exit 95) upgrade
  • Bruce Highway, Anzac Avenue to Uhlmann Road upgrade
  • Pacific Motorway, Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill upgrade.

Many of these projects respond to growth and support accelerated housing supply. These projects will also ensure we are well positioned to meet the challenges of hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2032. By 2032, transport corridors will better connect the three Games zones with a strong focus on environmentally friendly transport modes, including extending the capacity and reach of the SEQ passenger rail network, to contribute to a more sustainable Games. This is demonstrated by the significant rail investment committed in this QTRIP – the largest ever, with $14 billion programmed over the next four years.

Our partnerships with industry and businesses are critical to delivering a safe and reliable transport network, while supporting jobs across the state. We cannot achieve this alone and partnering with industry to achieve these outcomes is essential.

This strategic investment program will strengthen our resilience and future-proof our network to keep Queensland connected, and I look forward to the year ahead.

Image of Director-General Sally Stannard

Sally Stannard
Department of Transport and Main Roads


Reflects QTRIP 2023–24 to 2026–27.