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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Special purpose vehicle types and definitions

Special purpose vehicles (SPVs) over 4.5t gross vehicle mass (GVM) must be inspected at one of our transport and motoring service centres before being registered in Queensland.

Not all of our transport and motoring service centres conduct inspections. Please check the services provided by each centre to confirm if they can inspect a special purpose vehicle.

On this page:

Special purpose vehicles (SPVs)

  • A SPV is a:
    • motor vehicle or trailer (other than an agricultural vehicle or tow truck) built for a purpose other than transporting goods by road
    • concrete pump or fire truck.
  • SPVs may require a supervised weigh to be completed by one of our Transport Inspectors/Compliance Officers and verified by an Advisor (Permit Management System).
  • A HVRAS accredited person cannot measure or inspect these vehicles if they exceed general mass or dimensional limits.
  • Complete special purpose vehicle (exceeding 4.5t GVM) inspection sheet (F2874).

Photograph of a cherry picker from side view
Caption—example of a special purpose vehicle (cherry picker)

Photograph of crane
Caption—example of a special purpose vehicle (crane)


A SPV, such as a crane, comes under 2 categories.

Carrier mounted special purpose vehicle

This category is a heavy motor vehicle that is a SPV where the axles, chassis frame and main equipment are built as an integral vehicle unit and cannot be divided without extreme effort, expense or risk of damage. A carrier mounted SPV is not a truck mounted SPV.

For example, most mobile cranes including all terrain mobile cranes and truck cranes are carrier mounted SPVs.

Truck mounted special purpose vehicle

This category is a SPV built using an Australian Design Rules compliant, heavy vehicle cab chassis.

For example, most concrete pumps and drilling rigs are truck mounted SPVs.

More information

Last updated 13 July 2022