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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Assessing routes for multi-combination vehicles

Assessing state-controlled roads

The Route Assessment for Multi-Combination Vehicles (MCV) and Performance Based Standards (PBS) Vehicles in Queensland Guideline has been prepared to assist engineers, road designers and assessors in assessing the suitability of roads proposed for the operation of MCVs and PBS vehicles such as B-Double and Road Train combinations.

The guideline should be used to assist in exercising engineering judgment, rather than strict technical benchmarks. They are intended to assist assessors in ensuring that the major relevant factors have been considered in the route assessment process. Where quantitative limits are recommended, they are intended as a guide only and are no substitute for common sense and judgment based on local knowledge and past experience.

The information has been obtained from various internal and external sources and incorporates the latest reference material available. However, these guidelines will be subject to on-going review and users can therefore expect the information to change as and when further research, and standards are developed and become available.

Where the heavy vehicle route intersects with an asset owned by another stakeholder, consultation should occur with the asset owner. For example, when the road intersects with a railway level crossing, the appropriate railway owner should be consulted. Consultation should also occur with local police where appropriate.

It is essential that routes for the operation of these vehicles be selected so as to minimise risk to other road users and property whilst facilitating efficient freight movement.

The guidelines will only apply to new route assessments. MCV routes, which have been approved prior to 30 June 2007 and continue to perform satisfactorily, will not be subject to these guidelines. This document may also assist in the upgrading of roads to a suitable standard for future MCV access.

What about local government roads?

The Local Government Heavy Vehicle Route Assessment Guideline has been prepared by ARRB as part of a National Asset Centre of Excellence (NACoE) project.

Under Heavy Vehicle National Law, local government road managers and/or consultants assess the suitability of local government routes for access by heavy freight vehicles or prescriptive performance-based standard vehicles. The guideline has been developed to assist with the route assessment process including consideration of:

  • geometric performance
  • road safety implications
  • structural capacities
  • pavement impact
  • amenity considerations.

When determining the suitability of access to routes, quantitative limits recommended in the guideline should be used in conjunction with local experience, engineering judgement and suitable risk management practices.

The guideline does not provide guidance on route assessment for over-size over-mass vehicles or special purpose vehicles such as mobile cranes, low loaders or platforms.

Last updated 5 September 2023