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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Technical notes for planners and engineers

Bicycle signage guidelines

Find out more about signing cycle networks

Cycle design references

The primary technical references for people engaged in the planning and design of transport infrastructure, including cycling infrastructure, in Queensland are:

See also Cyclists and pedestrians – technical publications.

Historical technical notes

This series of notes are provided for historical reference purposes. For current information please refer to the Austroads Guides and TMR supplements to the Austroads Guides listed above.

Planning for cycling

A1 Total quality management for cycling
A5 Staffing, Bicycle Advisory Committees and Bicycle User Groups

Design and engineering

B5 Finding space for on-road bicycle lanes
B11 Producing bicycle network maps and cycling transport access guides

Operation and management

C1 Assessing footpaths for shared use
C2 Reducing conflict between bicycle riders and pedestrians
C5 Personal security and bicycle facilities
C6 Cycling and public transport

Last updated 17 November 2022