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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Planning for walkable communities and places actions from 2022–2024

Action area: Planning for walkable communities and places

1.1 Develop a Movement and Place Policy as the first phase of a framework to incorporate placemaking in the planning, design, and operation of Queensland’s transport network. 

Read Action 1.1 summary—Planning people-centred places

1.2 Ensure the Queensland Government’s whole-of-games operational and legacy planning for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games promotes strong active transport outcomes.

Read Action 1.2 summary—Planning for walking at Brisbane 2032


Action area: Planning walking precincts and connected networks

1.3 Provide grant funding to councils to prepare Walking Network Plans that identify primary routes and potential projects that will improve walkability on the local government transport network. Plans will focus on destinations such as public transport stations, schools and town centres.

Read Action 1.3 summary—Provide grant funding to councils

1.4 Prepare Walking Network Plans in locations across Queensland to improve walkability on the state-controlled transport network.

Read Action 1.4 summary—State-controlled transport network

1.5 Pilot a new approach to transport planning for selected new school sites to ensure effective integration with local transport networks, including active transport networks. 

1.6 Collaborate to improve walkability in suburbs with relatively high levels of social housing, with an initial focus on walking network planning. Promote the learnings within government.

Read Action 1.6 summary—Social housing and walkability    

Action area: Integrating walking with public transport and other travel choices

1.7 Integrate walking as a key transport mode in the planning and subsequent delivery of the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) mobile application 

Read Action 1.7 summary—New journey planning app supporting a walkable future

1.8 Develop precinct transport plans to ensure quality walking and bike riding connections around targeted public transport nodes. 

Read Action 1.8 summary—Walking to public transport

1.9 Plan and design comfortable walking connections to future Cross River Rail stations. 

1.10 Plan comfortable walking connections in Cross River Rail Priority Development Area development schemes, to be delivered over the medium to long term in future Cross River Rail Station Precincts.

Read Action 1.10 summary—Cross River Rail stations creating a walkable future


Action area: Designing facilities for all ages and abilities and a range of environmental conditions

1.11 Prepare and publish inclusive mapping for key precincts to incorporate the access needs of people with disability. Work across locations including regional communities and selected Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games precincts.

Read Action 1.11 summary—Access for people with disability

1.12 Fund state-wide disability advocacy and peak services to advocate for, and promote, physical access and community inclusion.

Read Action 1.12 summary—Advocating for inclusive access to transport systems

1.13 Develop policy on shade provision in transport infrastructure projects, including testing approaches to setting and measuring shade targets and practical implementation guidance. 

Read Action 1.13 summary—Shade Policy and testing approaches

1.14 Investigate street tree planning/planting dimensions to deliver heat, shade and sun protection benefits to contribute to the evidence base of the Healthy Places, Healthy People Initiative. 

Read Action 1.14 summary—Heat, shade and sun protection benefits

1.15 Provide long-term micro-climate heatwave and thermal comfort projections, developed through the Heat, Health and Human Environment pilot project, to stakeholders such as local governments to identify and design walkable communities. 

Read Action 1.15 summary—Creating a walking climate

Last updated 9 January 2025