Planning for walkable communities and places from 2019-2021
Action area: Planning walkable communities
1.1 Release neighbourhood design and planning guidance that prioritises walking and healthy liveable communities.
Read Action 1.1 summary - Neighbourhood design and planning
1.2 Identify opportunities within the planning and design phase (including Ministerial Infrastructure Designations) to better define and enhance walking linkages within, into and around state schools.
Read Action 1.2 summary - Walking to school
1.3 Investigate and identify opportunities to embed walkability into the planning framework through policy review, including the State Planning Policy and other supporting instruments and regulation development, to better support local government planning schemes.
Read Action 1.3 summary - Planning Regulation: Walkable Neighbourhoods Amendment
Action area: Planning walking precincts and connected networks
1.4 Research and adopt best practice guidelines for creating accessible connected walking precincts and network planning. Pilot in a variety of locations and settings including town centres, public transport hubs, schools and other activity centres.
Read Action 1.4 summary - Making plans for walking in Queensland
1.5 Develop and release a walkability audit tool that will assist local governments and practitioners to identify opportunities and potential barriers to improved pedestrian connectivity, amenity and capacity, to support walking as a viable and accessible travel choice.
Read Action 1.5 summary - Walkability Improvement Tool
1.6 Explore active transport requirements and opportunities within the future Mobility as a Service (MaaS) ecosystem and ensure walking and bicycle riding are considered in design thinking workshops for MaaS proofs of concept.
1.7 Publish improved guidance to better inform infrastructure providers on how to incorporate accessible, universal design elements and principles into public transport infrastructure and surrounding precincts.
Read Action 1.7 summary - Promoting universal design in public transport infrastructure1.8 Invest in signage and wayfinding improvements to improve legibility and connectivity around public transport stations.
Read Action 1.8 summary - Improved walking to public transport
1.9 Plan and deliver comfortable walking connections to Cross River Rail stations.
Read Action 1.9 summary - Walking to Cross River Rail stations
Action area: Designing facilities for all ages and abilities
1.10 Support Austroads’ update of national pedestrian design guidelines in line with good practice, including delivery of training on updated guidance.
Read Action 1.10 summary - National pedestrian design guidelines
1.11 Develop and publish detailed Queensland supplements to Austroads guidelines including guidance on pedestrian wayfinding, modelling, safety at slip lanes and roundabouts, priority crossing treatment options, and coordinating traffic signals for pedestrian ‘green wave’ in high use areas.
Read Action 1.11 summary - Fit for purpose pedestrian guidance
1.12 Research and publish guidance on innovative shading methods for walking routes and public places, as well as ways to address barriers to providing awnings and large shade trees.
Read Action 1.12 summary - Providing shade
1.13 Develop a State Heatwave Risk Assessment, including potential risk treatments and controls for reducing risk from heatwave and future climate for people walking.
1.14 Update and promote Complete Streets: Guidelines for urban street design (IPWEAQ, 2010) to enable comfortable and green walking friendly streets to be implemented in Queensland, in collaboration with the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia.
Read Action 1.14 summary - Planning for walkable neighbourhoods
- Last updated 31 October 2023