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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Walkability Improvement Tool

Image credit: Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning

Action 1.5, Action Plan for Walking 2019–2021

Status: complete

Develop and release a walkability audit tool that will assist local governments and practitioners to identify opportunities and potential barriers to improved pedestrian connectivity, amenity and capacity, to support walking as a viable and accessible travel choice.


In August 2020, the Queensland Government released the Walkability Improvement Tool. The tool assists built environment professionals to identify and prioritise improvements that will make neighbourhoods more walkable. It forms part of a suite of state government guidance to help government at all levels plan and implement walkable environments in both existing and new neighbourhoods.

John G Kelly AM, Group CEO of the National Heart Foundation of Australia, writes in the foreword that:

'[The tool] is a fabulous resource to help built environment professionals address the walkability of local areas, so that walking and other physical activities can be the easy choice for residents to be more active, more often in their neighbourhoods.'

The tool provides an approach for determining how walking-friendly an existing residential neighbourhood is by assessing needs such as footpaths, kerb ramps, lighting and shade. It also provides a cost-effective approach for identifying, prioritising and implementing improvements to retrofit neighbourhoods as, and when, funding becomes available.

The tool's nine steps are supplemented with illustrations, photos and examples that make the process easy to follow and explain to local stakeholders.

Next steps

The Walkability Improvement Tool has been piloted in three local government areas by the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) and will be promoted as part of updated Walking Network Planning guidance.

The Queensland Government will continue to gather feedback from users to refine the tool.

Lead agency

Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning

More information


Last updated 13 August 2022