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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Neighbourhood design and planning

Woman and child walking on footpath with houses in background

Image credit: Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning

Action 1.1, Action Plan for Walking 2019–2021

Status: Complete

Release neighbourhood design and planning guidance that prioritises walking and healthy liveable communities.

Key achievements

In July 2019, the Queensland Government published a draft Model code for neighbourhood design: A code for reconfiguring a lot (the model code) to encourage the development of healthier and more active communities across Queensland

The draft identified ways that a local planning scheme can enable healthier communities by making new residential neighbourhoods comfortable and safe for walking and cycling and include accessible and convenient parks and community spaces.

The model code provisions identify ways that a local planning scheme can enable healthier communities by making new residential neighbourhoods comfortable and safe for walking and cycling and include accessible and convenient parks and community spaces.

The Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP), consulted community, government and industry.

Over 6 weeks during July and August 2019, Queenslanders were asked to provide their feedback on the model code and what elements of the model code they wanted to see made mandatory.

More than 20,000 responses were received from community, industry and local government across Queensland, demonstrating support for the policy principles and concepts of the model code.

The consultation feedback showed that 89% of community respondents are in favour of new neighbourhoods designed to prioritise walking being a mandatory requirement.

A revised version of the model code incorporating knowledge gained through consultation was published in September 2020. For more information see Action Summary 1.3 Planning Regulation: Walkable Neighbourhoods Amendment.

Lead agency

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (note that the relevant government department is now called the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning). 

More information

You can download the suite of walkable communities planning guidance by visiting the Queensland Government planning pages.
Last updated 26 August 2023