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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Cycling Infrastructure Policy

The Cycling Infrastructure Policy is an important mechanism to deliver the Queensland Government's vision for more cycling, more often and our vision of a single integrated transport system accessible to everyone.

We want to see more people cycling, more often and this policy plays a critical support role to achieve this.

People who ride bikes use the transport network and the policy supports them by considering cycling infrastructure in all stages of the transport system life cycle including:

  • corridor preservation
  • planning
  • design
  • construction
  • resurfacing and rehabilitation
  • operation
  • traffic survey
  • reporting.

We consider cycling into each stage of the infrastructure process to:

  • provide a complete cycling network
  • increase the safety of cyclists
  • ensure best value for money for the government.

TMR funded projects on principal cycle routes will explicitly provide cycling facilities within the project's scope, and projects elsewhere will make implicit provision.

Explicit provision

Explicit provisions are required as part of projects on Principal Cycle Network routes and are typically high quality solutions. Examples are:

  • Marked bicycle lanes
  • Dedicated crossing facilities
  • Cycle paths
  • Shared paths
  • Continuous networks
  • End of trip facilities.

Implicit provision

Implicit provisions are included on routes that are not on the network. They can be described as 'cycle friendly' provisions as they service bike riders without necessarily being designed only for their use. Examples are:

  • Narrow traffic lanes to eliminate squeeze points
  • Set back traffic islands
  • Place rubber caps on guard rail posts
  • Choose cycle friendly raised reflective pavement markers
  • Smooth joints of different road seals
  • Manage traffic speed to levels where cyclists can safely mix.

Cycling facilities delivered via the Cycling Infrastructure Policy complement our dedicated funding programs which retrofit cycling facilities where no other transport projects are planned.

The 2 approaches will result in a transport network that is accessible and attractive for people riding bikes. We will consult and take into account safety considerations and competing priorities when we plan, design and construct cycling infrastructure and facilities so that they are fit for purpose and deliver value for money and realisable benefits.


The policy acknowledges bike riders will use TMR assets. Fit-for-purpose facilities are designed to attract more people to ride while achieving a value for money outcome. There is not one specific type of facility but rather a variety of treatments that are suited to different environments and different types of cyclists.


We need to provide for the full spectrum of bike riders (experienced and confident, willing but concerned, children and the elderly). Different types of bike riders will use the facilities on the network in different ways. The type of treatment can play a role in transitioning bike riders to the transport networks that are the most appropriate for them.

Alternative route

Explicit provisions may be more appropriately delivered on an alternative route. Under the policy, alternative routes are considered appropriate only if they are as good as the facility that could otherwise be provided on the main project route.

Policy implementation examples

The case study examples below highlight how the policy has delivered cycling infrastructure as part of the Department of Transport and Main Roads' projects to achieve positive cycling outcomes.

Last updated 30 April 2024