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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Construction and maintenance

Community engagement – for infrastructure projects

Engagement principles:

  • engage early
  • build robust relationships
  • maintain contact
  • consider local circumstances
  • reflect and capture learnings.

TMR endorsed guidance

Planning for pedestrians during construction

Pedestrian paths should be provided on the same scale and to the same width as any facilities that existed prior to the works.

TMR endorsed guidance

Other useful resources

Regulatory signage

TMR has adopted Australian Standard AS1742 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) as part of national harmonisation.

Queensland MUTCD will only provide requirements and recommendations specific to Queensland and has precedence over the equivalent Australian Standard Part.

MUTCD Q-series signs can be found in Part 1 of the MUTCD and are designed for specific use in Queensland.

Traffic control (TC) signs are a collection of non-standard traffic control (TC) signs that have been 'officially approved' as required by the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995.

TMR endorsed guidance

Maintenance minimisation

Whole-of-life costs should be considered when planning walking facilities. Ongoing maintenance requirements can be expensive, but unless facilities are constructed and maintained to an acceptable standard, there is a risk that they will become unattractive to walkers and use will decline, thus undermining the reason for the initial investment.

TMR endorsed guidance

Other useful resources

Last updated 1 September 2021